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1750 Starting

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  • #91
    *patient tone* Yes Spartan but this is 1750. That is why the Dutch rebelled against the Spanish. The Spaniards were Catholic and the Dutch were Protestant. While the southern regions remained Catholic. *patient tone ends*


    • #92
      this is for Mao
      Movements for the Armies of Prussia:

      I Corps, led by Frederik the Great and 20,000 men-strong, marches against the Polish V corps from Kustrin Total forces attacking: 20,000. Tactic-Echelon

      II Corps, led by Schwerin and 20,000 men strong, marches against Polish II corps in East Prussia accompanied by forces from West Prussia. Total Attacking force: 30,000. Tactic-Echelon

      Forces in Saxony, now 40,000 men strong and led by Prince Henry with the combined forces with v. Zieten's forces marches against Leipzig accompanied by forces from Magdeburg. Total attacking force: 50,000. Tactic-Echelon

      Forces in Magdeburg (IV Corps), 10,000 men strong, converge on Leipzig as well with Prince Henry's forces.

      Forces in West Prussia, 10,000 men strong, converge against the Polish II corps in East Prussia to destroy it. They converge with the II corps.

      Forces in Mecklenburg (V Corps), now 25,000 men strong, hold their ground.

      Forces In Silesia (VIII Corps) hold their ground.
      also bearcat cheak your mail
      [This message has been edited by hacksaw (edited April 18, 2000).]
      [This message has been edited by hacksaw (edited April 18, 2000).]


      • #93
        [This message has been edited by hacksaw (edited April 18, 2000).]


        • #94
          The Ottoman empire rejects your pleas for help Poles. Your time is over. You have agitated our friends the prussians and now you will suffer. In fact your messanger, the infidel, insulted the Sultan at a feast. He actually drank before the Sultan had raised his glass to toast. Along with this message is the mans head. His face has frozen in a look of terror. We advice you to study it well. For you soon shall have the same contience. The Ottoman empire declares war on Poland!


          • #95
            To Prussia: Armies can only move once a turn...there's been at least 3 moves for Prussia today...


            • #96
              OOC: There has been no battle of Gothenburg, namely because the Swedish player hasn't sent in his tactic... if they don't by 12 noon tommorrow, I will pick a tactic for them...
              General rule: If you do not decide on a tactic, I will decide one for you at by noon of the second day after the battle began...

              You need troops on transports to invade an island.

              JT3, you forgot to take into account the 20,000 troops in NE Hesse that have NOT crossed the Prussian border, and are a turns marching distance, in addition to the 10,000 new recruits Hesse receives...

              next time, be patient!

              Ok, I have lost track of who is attacking who... I'm posting what I can find... If I forgot you, harrass me on ICQ of via email
              10,000 regulars deployed in Duchies

              20,000 regulars deployed in Leipzig

              10,000 regulars to Mantua
              10,000 to Zara
              15,000 to Leghorn

              To our French friends, with whom we nobly fought in the recent war of Succession,

              We are under attack by dastardly and devious powers! Your great rival, Rhine, and her minionous ally, Prussia, both menace our virgin lands! We impore you, France, defender of right, to come to our aid, and crush tehse armies of darkness!
              Saxony Moves
              20,000 troops deployed in Leipzig
              73,000 in Allied combined army in Liepzig

              Battle of NE Hesse!
              Today the forces of Great Britain invaded Hesse from Hanover, intending to add to the kings personal territory.

              Opposing them stood 30,000 troops from Hesse, 10,000 of them fresh regulars.

              The battle began with the Rhineish commander deciding to outflank his oppoenents, counting on surprise to be the main factor.

              His opposing commader chose to mass his reserves. The pinning force collided with the intial Hessian line, pushing it back for several hundred yards before it stiffened behind a line of artillery batteries.

              As the Rhineish outflanking force arrived, they were suprised by the mass Hessian reserve, which launched an immediate assault upon teh flanking forces.

              For the next two hours, the battle was a bloody slugging match. After several hours, the engagement finally ended at nightfall, with the Rhinish army withdrawing from the field overnight. Hesse, though, had paid dearly for her tactical victory. While 8,000 Rhineish littered the field, the boides of over 6,000 of Hesse's finest covered the ground with their blood.

              END RESULT: Hessian Victory
              Rhine: 8,000
              Hesse: 6,000

              Venice Attacks!
              20,000 troops under the Mayor of Mantua have set about assaulting the Austrian forces appraoching the city. The Venetians plan to echelon their opponents...
              10,000 Venetian troops at Zara are marching north to seize Karlstadt...

              Battle Of Leipzig!
              Prince Henry, noting he now had a powerful force of 50,000 men, pushed forward with his planned offensive in Saxony. Within a few days, his army took the field against the combined Saxon/Hessian force of 73,000 troops...

              The Saxons had at their head Saschen Weissenfells, recently recovered from his illness in Liepzig. Noting that the large Prussian force before him was headed for his right flank, Weissenfells began removing troops from his left... and began carefully moving them around the Prussian right flank...

              By noon, battle was heavily joined, as the disciplined Prussian columns pushed the Hessian right back further and further. Weissenfells himself was forced to ride amdist his troops, urging them to stay on the field.

              About2 PM, the sounds of heavy musketry confirmed that his 23,000 flanking troops had hit th Prussian left hard. Weissenfells was greeted with a relaxation of pressure on his right within a half an hour of the loud musketry.

              Calling for the "brave of Saxony" to advance behind him, Weissenfells in person led a a cavalry charge into the teeth of the Prussian army. To his suprise and dismay, the Prussian columns calmy formed sqaured, and the cream of Saxony's cavalry vanished amidst smoke and musketry.

              As nigthfall approached around 8 PM, Wiessenfells eased on his attack, as it was apparent the Prussians weren't moving. During the night, the Prussian army withdrew back to Wittemberg.

              Prussia: 20,000 troops
              Saxony: 21,000 troops


              • #97
                To His Royal Majesty in France:
                At this time, we are not willing to enter into an alliance with you. However, a trade agreement and a non-agression pact are agreeable with us, perhaps with talks continuing in the future.

                Foreign and Defense Minister Samuel Cox

                His Royal Highness King Goerge II
                [This message has been edited by Midshipman (edited April 18, 2000).]
                But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
                If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
                He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
                But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker


                • #98
                  OOC: I won't be online for a day or two, it seems my line has been cut......

                  Anyway, I agree to the alliance. Also, my first attack(no stry, dont have time):

                  30,000 troops attack Duchies(territory of Hesse). Tactic: Outflank

                  15000 pin
                  15000 flank

                  Shouldn't be much of a battle, virtually the entire Hessian army is attacking Prussia.
                  [This message has been edited by JT3 (edited April 18, 2000).]
                  "When you tell people where to go, but not where to get there, you'll be amazed at the results."
                  - General George S. Patton


                  • #99
                    Umm... BT- Did you see my orders of moving into those two territories? I placed down the tactics- head on attack for Peshawar and outflank for the other...


                    • One question? How did Venice suddenly get 30,000 soldiers. I'm assuming they're regulars. The last I knew I had destroyed the only Veneitian Corps marked in your Theater of War map and sent them running with their tails between their legs. And they had lost 10,000 soldiers knocking them down to 10,000 soldiers. Now how did they suddenly get 30,000?

                      To France - We await your reply as fellow Catholics.


                      • An alliance with the Netherlands has been signed.

                        It is unfortunate, but I am glad you accept our pact and trade treaty.

                        Perhaps your mind will change, and perhaps Denmark and Britain will allow France to make the triple alliance a quad alliance.
                        Please Visit:

                        And contribute if you can!


                        • Prussia and the allies agree to peace!
                          In a deal reached just recently, the Allies of Hesse and Saxony have secured peace from Prussia!

                          IN return for the return of the territory of Wittemberg, Saxony shall pay Prussia $20 out of her budget (which has not yet been allocated for funds).

                          Prussian withdrawls will commence immediately as soon as Saxon payment is recieved.


                          • Uhh.. BT did you see my question?


                            • They got the 20,000 troops they ordered the first day as regulars... you have all the regulars you ordered the first day are in service. Regulars enter service after two turns.


                              • Actually, there were significant protestant groups in the Southern Netherlands as well at the time. IRL, most of them fled to the north later on, but I believe that a good amount of people from the Southern Netherlands are still protestant. And they are mainly catholic because of years of Spanish/Austrian occupation, unlike the north which had been liberated. And my reasons are not entirely religious at all.

                                Anyway, the Dutch fleet will be sent southwards to blockade the ports in the Austrian Netherlands, so that any attempt at moving in troops from Austria by sea will be sent to the bottom of the sea. This includes four heavy warships, five light warships and two privateers.

