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TOT: Transparent color for improvement icons?

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  • TOT: Transparent color for improvement icons?

    I am designing a ToT scenario that will have a totally reworked interface look, and for that purpose I am in need of using transparency for the the improvement icons (the big ones from IMPROVEMENTS.BMP to start with).

    However while the 'transparent' colors works fine in frames etc. it does NOT work with the IMPROVEMENTS.BMP graphics

    Although I have been using a workaround with duplicating the background imagery so far, it does not work properly for the food information section (lower right hand of city window).
    When there is a granary in a city or when owner has pyramids the workaround is fine, but when none of these are available the program shifts the text on top of the background image. The result is not pleasing to the eye

    If anyone knows a way to get around this problem or knows of a color different from the normal 'transparent' colors that will work here I would be greatfull for the information.

    [This message has been edited by CyberChrist (edited January 08, 2001).]

  • #2
    I know that Harlan Thompson had had this problem with his Improvement Icon. How he fixed it I do not know.


    • #3

      Sorry about bumping this myself, but I really need to find a solution to this problem.


      • #4
        What are the normal transparent colors?


        • #5
          Well, I have tried all the colors that ToT normally turn into transparent areas.

          The colors I have tried and their RGB hexcode are as follows:
          #845284 Dark Purple
          #FF00FF Purple
          #00FF00 Green
          #0000FF Blue

          None of these give the desired result (transparency) when used in improvement icons, but work fine with terrain, units, cities etc.


          • #6
            Just on the odd chance that anyone had any ideas but forgot to post them or just never saw this topic before - I am bumping this (again)

            I don't mind a solution that will require me to 'patch'(or hex edit for that matter) the EXE file either - as long as gives the required result.


            • #7
              If ToT is like Civ2, FW, MGE, the icons file has a pinkish background, not the pink in the terrain and units, but it's a sort of pinkish-orange color. I could take a screenshot if you'd like.

              Not sure about ToT.
              Please Visit:

              And contribute if you can!


              • #8
                A screenshot will be a start, but I am not sure it will be enough as TOT use 16 bit colors. I will need the exact RGB code for the color.

                But lets give it a shot


                • #9
                  The orange-pinkish color (index 255) from the icons file works with MGE icons, but it doesn't work with ToT

                  As well as the standard transparency colors I mentioned in an earlier post, I have tried using the background color from both versions of the icon files[*]#FF9FA3 orange-pinkish (MGE version)[*]#FF9CA5 orange-pinkish (TOT version)[*]#858585 medium-grey (background color in TOT icon.bmp)

                  and the background colors from the unit.gif[*]#845284 Dark Purple (MGE version)[*]#875397 Dark Purple (TOT version - located in main directory)

                  and the background color from the cities.gif[*]#878787 medium-grey

                  No luck whatsoever

                  [This message has been edited by CyberChrist (edited February 23, 2001).]

