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2nd version on my No Limits add-on on the way

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  • 2nd version on my No Limits add-on on the way

    The second version of JB no limits add-on for MGE (and later ToT) will at least include.
    1) gigamaps (32767 squares)
    2) no population limit (before it was 320’000’000)
    3) no gold limit (before it was 30’000)
    4) no more limit for the number of cities [new] (before it was 255)

    What should it also contain ?
    a) no more limit on the number of units (obvious if linked with 4)
    b) more than 255 future techs (is it necessary ?)
    c) what else ?

    I’m waiting for your suggestions although I cannot guarantee the results ...
    Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe

  • #2
    Yes to A. I don't think that B is neccesary. Are there any other big limits in the game?

    Save the whales, collect the whole set!!

    If Al Gore invented the Internet, then I invented the spell check- Dan Quayle

    If someone doesn't agree with you, you haven't explained yourself well enough-Luther Ely Smith


    • #3
      More units, not only total number of units but also more different types of units.


      • #4
        How are more units going to be displayed in rules.txt? Wouldn't making more units force everything else below it further down on the rules file?
        *grumbles about work*


        • #5
          Thanks to all for testing the new patch. But I am afraid you're going to be as disappointed as me.

          I've found the value in the civ2.exe program for the 255 cities and you can build more. But there's 2 problems :
          1) if you enter the 256th or 257th city after building it (seems to be either one), then the game crashes.
          2) you can build up to 279 cities easily but after building the 280th, the cities name color changes and the 281th just crashes it all.

          I've also found the values for the number of units, and you can also overstep it. (1948 for one player, 2048 overall).
          But there's one little problem :
          - after the 2050th unit the game crashes once again.

          So, I've done a great job of finding the values in the prog but they don't seem to be taken off too lightly. Maybe that it will work better on your computer, but I have almost no hopes ... Mine is a 450Mhz Celeron with 192 MB, with both W95 and NT 4.0, so ...
          But please keep me all informed on the results. One never knows ...

          Sorry for the meaningless excitement. I did not lie as you will see : you can build more. But it's just that it doesn't work well. Dreaming is good and reality hurts.
          Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe

