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Increasing the range of nuke attacks

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  • Increasing the range of nuke attacks

    Normally, a nuke attack destoys everything within one terrain square...

    Does anyone know of a way to change this to maybe, oh ... 5?

    I'm trying to make a hydrogen bomb.


  • #2
    I thought that nukes destroyed everything adjacent to the blast. I'm not sure. Ask Smokey da Nuke Man if you need to know. And to answer your question, no there is no way that I know of to change it. You can extract and change the explosion animation using GIFExtractor to extract the .gif's.

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    • #3
      As far as I know, the "attack=99" is a hardcoded figure in the program that triggers all three of the nuclear affects (destroy 1 radius, half city pop., created polluted squares).

      You can change the value, and any value of attack besides 99 is a conventional weapon, with no nuclear trigger.

      Th only way I could think of to make a hydrogen bomb would be to use events that said when "a" happens, everything in a 5-square radius was changed, with terrain alteration. This would have a nuke's unit-destroying strength. The difficulties are three:

      1) It would have to be in a predetermined target area, such as around a city.

      2) you would need a trigger. The only triggers that I can think of that would work for this are either activating when a certain city defender-unit (a different one for each city), is destroyed, or activation when a city is taken.

      3) You would have to code it, in a scenario, and have an event for each city. Also, you would have to deal with terrain changes...though you could changed them to a new "pollution" type if you want...

      This would work only for fixed targets, though, like cities. Battlefield nukes, or h-bombs that you can target anywhere, are, I believe, impossible in civ2.


      Sprecher der ToT
      First Minister of Machiavellia
      [This message has been edited by KhanMan (edited November 26, 2000).]
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      • #4
        Well, with the thoughts of using events you could have a certain unit that only belongs to one city. For example a unit called Hiroshima. Then when that unit is destroyed have the change terrain flag or whatever else you want to do with it on. It would be really really hard to do this in a free game.

        What if the Hokey-Pokey is really what its all about?

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        • #5
          Using the change terrain event to simulate multiple explosions could have its uses. For example, in a Cold War scenario destroying the American unit 'ICBM Fields' could spread pollution all over the region to simulate the hundreds of atomic explosions that the Soviets would use to 'dig out' the American missile silos.

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          - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


          • #6
            In my version (MGE 1.3) anything above 99 is also a nuclear weapon. The game accepts any attack, defense, or firepower value up to 127, but all attack values over 99 are nukes.

