I'm planning to write a scenario about the wars of Beleriand, but my artistic "talent" doesn't allow me to draw new icons and using the standard ones in this type of scenario would not be very appropriate. I was wondering if anyone of you had a set of Middle Earth icons I could borrow for the scenario, like orcs and elves? Any help would be highly appreciated...
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Middle Earth icons?
Hades: Slightly more polite way of saying "hell"
Harlan Thompson's Lord of the Rings Scenario has some nice Middle Earth related graphics, but you'd have to ask him for permission to use them.
It also has a very good map of Middle Earth in the third age, although IMNSHO you shouldn't be able to sail ships up the Anduin past the falls of Rauros
Hades was the Hell of the ancient Greeks.
So what is Middle Earth?
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The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
Are these books recommendable(I guess so) for someone like me?
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Originally posted by PurpleWyrm on 07-16-2000 12:08 AM
Harlan Thompson's Lord of the Rings Scenario has some nice Middle Earth related graphics, but you'd have to ask him for permission to use them.
It also has a very good map of Middle Earth in the third age, although IMNSHO you shouldn't be able to sail ships up the Anduin past the falls of Rauros
Hmm...how could I contact this Harlan Thompson person? I have the Third Age map, but the map of Beleriand is much more appropriate for a scenario of wars in Beleriand.I just have to fix the map a bit as it lacks some important details, like the Falls of Sirion, Aelin-Uial and Amon Obel. And yes, Tolkien's books are recommendable indeed! How on earth have you managed to escape them in the first place?
Don't mess with me or my pet polar bear shall tear you to shreds! I'm a friend of the king of the penguins, too. Respect me!Don't mess with me or my pet polar bear shall tear you to shreds! I'm a friend of the king of the penguins, too. Respect me!
With some luck he'll find this thread and post here. In any way, you can write him a mail, and if he doesen't respond, simply post something on the SLeague forum.
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Our survival is based on continouus changing.
-Mao Tse-Tung
God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
much screwed that whole idea..
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Originally posted by Stefan Härtel on 07-16-2000 09:51 AM
Are these books recommendable(I guess so) for someone like me?
The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are four of the best fantasy books ever written.
I have never met a person who did not like reading these books. And that is saying alot since almost everyone I know has read them.
[This message has been edited by William Keenan (edited July 17, 2000).]
Has anyone ever thought about a Numenorean scenario? Don't know what it could be about (the war between them and Sauron perhaps?), I just really like those guys
Hmmm, maybe one where you play the faithful and have to try to survive against the rest of the Numenoreans and establish the realms in exile before a change terrain event causes the downfall.
A Beleriand war scenario would be interesting, however you'd have to invent some way for the Elves to win it, given that Morgoth is immortal and cannot be defeated by any power short of the Valar themselves.
In particular, you'd want to avoid the Deus Ex Machina ending from the Silmarillion, but I'm not sure how you'd do this and also stay true to the book.