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  • Reminds me of...

    Are there any step-by-step scenario creation guides that work for ToT? For example, Chapter 1 - how to set up the map, Chapter 2 - the units, Appendix - general quirks, thoughts about perfect scenarios etc.

    I know there are a lot of guides on this page, but I am looking for a combined (printable?) version...

  • #2
    No step-by-step guide as such, but go to the Scenario League`s design tips section at for some ToT design tips. Most of the the ones for the original Civ2 are still relevant as well.
    [This message has been edited by Paul Hanson (edited May 26, 2000).]
    "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

    Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


    • #3

      It's surprising that you ask this only as I've been contemplating authoring (or co-authoring) such a guideline for the last few months, but I've not pursued it because (a.) work's demands are ever-increasing, (b.) I'm still messing around with unit animations - refer , and (c.) the time I've spent has been focussed on either the 'topical design tips' that Paul's link will point you to (thanks Paul ), or improving my OCC score (still can't get a 19th Century victory!!!).

      I think the process is largely the same however as traditional Civ2 scenarios. Ensure your game concept is reasonably sound, victory is possible but not probable, try to look for innovation in your design, and be prepared to be flexible during the process - the game you finish with will probably be a long way from your initial vision.

      Test of Time does offer a lot of 'new frontier' sorts of opportunities for designers - things such as the collapsible technology tree, map travel, and masks (to name but a few) extend enormous possibilities to a creative mind!

      Another great link is The Cradle of Civilization site, which has a focus on ToT... - many of the Design Tips are identical to the Scenario League's, however there are a few other tips, let alone the extensive facilities in other parts of the site - graphics, converters, scenarios, etc.

      Oh, your question? No - such a guide for ToT doesn't yet exists to the best of my knowledge!

