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Allies trade tech w/o negotiation?

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  • Allies trade tech w/o negotiation?

    I want to have a Utility civilization with its own tech tree, which cannot be attacked until a certain point of the game (a MakeAggression event). I used the Cheat menu to set all other civs to ally with the Utility, and then used two events to prevent the Utility from negotiating with anyone and anyone from negotiating with the Utility. What I found was that the AI allies would quickly start giving tech to the Utility, even if it had nothing to offer in return, and despite the fact that when I set the human player to any of the allied civs, I could not contact the Utility. Has anyone encountered this problem before? (I'm using the latest patch for Mac Civ MGE, if that's relevant). Thanks!

  • #2
    This is new one to me.

    One possible solution might be edit all the allies attitudes to the Utility and set it to the lowest.

    I understand that because they are allied and have more techs they might be obliged to give it away. I don't understand how they can if negotiations are forbidden.

    I don't want to seem pedantic, but add the @debug line after the @events line to the events.txt file just to check there is no problem with that.
    "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."


    • #3
      The @debug command isn't supported for the Mac - so the best I could do is to check that negotiation was forbidden to each civ if it was a human.

      I'll try the reputation idea - thanks!


      • #4
        Hang on!

        Reputation is not what I meant, as this determines trustworthiness. I was refering to attitudes, which can be edited under Edit King, and set to the lowest.

        Another idea is to determine whether the techs traded are high or low value to the utility and if the allies are only giving away higher value technologies.
        "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."


        • #5
          I tried it out and it seems that allied civs will trade tech without negotiation even if they both have the lowest reputations and attitudes towards each other (including mutual vendettas). Whether or not I put them in contact using Edit Treaties... did not matter.

          I'll try adjusting the AI values next.

