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A Great WW2 Scenario needs a Great Team

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  • A Great WW2 Scenario needs a Great Team

    Well, I am going to make a proposition to the Civ2 world.

    I am going to begin to work on a totally diffrent versi*89 0.;0; hyeb gu12on of Anstieg, 3.0 (after seeing Nemo's /excellant Red Front Scenario I feel the need to). The thing is, that I feel that this scenario would be better, when made as a team. A team of people with specialized skills so that everyone does not have to do everything, but only their own parts. The team would consist of the following parts:

    Designer: Takes the role of making the scenario's events, placing units & cities, putting improvements in cities, altering the rules file etc. I'll be taking this role.

    Artist: Makes the scenario beautiful with all new art. All new unit, city, terrain, improvement, wonder, and miscellaneous art is needed. A good artist who wants to work on a great project with myself and others is needed for this role.

    Musician: Comes up with sound effects for the scenario including songs, speeches, unit, and miscellanious sound effects.

    Programmer: The team will need a good programmer who can write up batch files and other files to ease the production of this "Mega Scenario".

    Map Maker: Someone who will spend the time to create a great original map which will need to comply with a set of terrain rules (no more snow in africa during the winter).

    Producer: Someone with webpage making skills who can make an excellant webpage devoted to the scenario. Not a one page "preview" but rather an in-depth look at the scenario and how it relates closely to history.

    Historian: Someone with an extensive knowleadge of WW2 and who wants it to be implemented into the scenario. We will have unlimited events space, so why not put it all in?

    Beta tester: Not a playtester, but rather a beta tester who will spend their time playing the scenario over and over carefully looking for bugs or flaws in it's design.

    I think that if this team was created, this scenario would have a great shot at being awesome! Who out there wants to work on this with me? Just send me an email saying "I want to work on the Project" as the email's title!

    BTW, this scenario will be made with FW! So just about anyone (including you MrT) can work or play it.

    Thank you,

    John Petroski
    John Petroski

  • #2
    Good News!
    Jim Winchell has agreed to be the Historian of the team, so now with 2 members, we are on our way! Anyone else feel like helping out?

    John Petroski
    John Petroski


    • #3
      The production team is coming along very nicely with alot of big names in the Civ2 community signing up. The following people and their respected roles are printed here:

      Designer: John Petroski
      Artist: ???? <-- Need one bad
      Musician: Stefan Härtel
      Programmer: ????
      Producer: ????
      Beta tester: Dan Meadow
      Map Maker: Mike Daumen
      Historian: Jim Winchell

      The team needs a few more good key roles filled! Any takers?

      John Petroski


      • #4
        The production team is coming along very nicely with alot of big names in the Civ2 community signing up. The following people and their respected roles are printed here:

        Designer: John Petroski
        Artist: ???? <-- Need one bad
        Musician: Stefan Härtel
        Programmer: ????
        Producer: ????
        Beta tester: Dan Meadow
        Map Maker: Mike Daumen
        Historian: Jim Winchell

        The team needs a few more good key roles filled! Any takers?


        John Petroski
        John Petroski


        • #5
          Hey, i will send you a file of some of the units i created for my new upcoming scenario "Amplified WW1979"

          this art is just awesome

          let me be your art specialist
          i will be able to come up with some good clean WW2 graphics if you want me to.



          • #6
            Hi John, Mike, and other folks. Long time no hear. I'm doing a once-in-a-blue-moon look see at the Apolyton forums and was interested by this. I'm all through with Civ2, but I'm making a WW2 thing for CTP (still!). The relevance here is that I imagine the artwork I've done for that could be easily converted into Civ2 format, if anyone is interested in converting (not me!). I've done over 60 unit types so far. One could just take one of the angles and shrink it down a bit, resave, and you'd be set.

            Good luck with your stuff,


            • #7
              I volunteer for as well artist and perhaps producer (making the webpages, even though the help of the "historian" would be as much required for making webpages as the webpage creator).
              Unfortunately, I can only start working on this after the end of next week (exams).
              Harlan, you should really come back to civ2! civ2 is far better than ctp!


              • #8
                I may be able to help on part of this for some of the graphics but I am quite busy and I need to finish Red Front which is still taking a lot of time with all the feedback I have received and this has priority.
                So you can pencil me in for some help on graphics (Motor vehicles and tanks are my specialties?). The danger using multiple artists is that the game starts looking like "patch-work". So if you have another choice for artist it's probably better.


                • #9
                  John, I thought you wanted me as musician. Oh well...
                  Re-elect Bush!


                  • #10
                    John, -

                    You are lining up quite a "dream team", including some very talented Civ2 artists.

                    I am the creator of the "HiRes" modpack/patch, and am currently working on HiRes version 2, which is essentially a major upgrade to all terrain graphics. When I finish it, you are certainly welcome to use any of it you may find useful, including the Walrus. ;->

                    Best of luck to the team, keep us all posted!
                    - Tim Smith
                    Official Homepage of the HiRes Graphics Patch for Civ2


                    • #11
                      Mike, I'll propably need some assistance from you anyways. I'll send you a mail later on.
                      Follow the masses!
                      30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                      • #12
                        Tim are the person who created a modpack which will forever be remembered by me. This was the first time I ever saw any photorealistic civ2 graphics.

                        Now I have adapted and am 80% done with my Amplified WW1979 scenario. This has alot of new graphics and ALL new UNITs graphics.

                        I would highly suggest that anyone not good at art to follow in Tim's footsteps and spend the time nessasary to create 5 star graphics. This enhances the Civ2 expierance.


                        • #13
                          I would like to host the project on my server. Specs are as follows.

                          HP Netserver LH3

                          Processor PII 350
                          RAM 768 MB ECC SCDRAM
                          HD 9.1 GB 10K RPM Ultra2 SCSI
                          Ethernet 10/100 3COM

                          OS Windows 2000 Advanced Server
                          Webserver IIS 5

                          I am also going to be getting high speed DSL for my internet connection. I am currently using a 128K ISDN line at that is all that I can get until I move into a new office.

                          I am a certified PC/Network and soon Internet Tech.

                          I am have also worked on several Microsoft certifications for the NT4 track and have put of certification until the NT5 track is released.

                          I have had CIV since it came out and think this is a good opp to get into hosting some sites that relate to my recreational interests.

                          If the spot is still open and you like what you see, then feel free to let me know.


