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Help needed on my new scenario!

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  • Help needed on my new scenario!

    Hi all

    Im right now working on a new scenario. It has no name yet but it will be about the war between russia and japan 1904-1905. Very interesting because no european expected a european nation to be beaten of a asiatic nation. The victory for japan gave the whole non european(or american) world hope. It was the result of an amazingly quick industrialization of Japan.

    Anyway, it will be very interesting also because it has lots of cool units, and asian exotic feeling, lots of quality graphics, great playability, interesting events....

    But I will need help on some things! First I want someone to make me japanese cities. East Asiatic but with some(not so much, remember the age) factorys.

    And A rice field would be great and japanese people.

    Jonas Hasselrot

  • #2
    i have some Asian "modern" Cities ( i must have some asian settlers ( in my bibliotheque graphique


    • #3
      There's a rice paddy terrain graphic in my scenario "Vietcong". It's on Michael Jeszenka's site.
      Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


      • #4
        There's a lot of useful stuff you could find in the scenarios "2194 Days of War" by Cap. Nemo and Alex the Magnificent, as well as "WW2 China" and "WW2-Pacific Theater" by Harlan Thompson. All three are also quite good for WW2 scens.

        Follow the masses!
        30,000 lemmings can't be wrong.

        We who grew up tall and proud
        In the shadow of the mushroom cloud
        Convinced our voices can't be heard
        We just want to scream it louder and louder:
        "What the hell are we fighting for?"
        "Just surrender and it won't hurt at all"
        -Brian May (Queen)
        Follow the masses!
        30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


        • #5
          Hi Rhenskold!

          Nice to see you're still around!

          If their is anything I can do to help you ,except for playtesting, let me know!
          Have you already found out how the military especialy their ships of russia and japan looked in that time?
          If you need some help on the history you can count on me.
          [This message has been edited by Hendrik the Great (edited February 06, 2000).]
          The Lost Geologist Blog


          • #6
            Ohh that was quite some fast replyes!

            Tecumsheh. I will take a look at it.

            Stefan. Well Ive played those scenarios which of course are very good, but its in the wrong age. This is 1904 not 1939. So for example, the houses look far too modern. Altough some things are borrowed.

            Eyn. Great site, Ive never seen it before,
            but I couldnt find anything useful for my scenario.

            Hendrik. I do feel ashamed because I didnt pay much time in playtesting for you and you are still so helpful..
            I know how the soldiers looked like but s´not the ships! But Im not a good ship drawer so just tips me about some suitful. All ships under that time looked quite the same. Maybe from some ww1 scenario. I am very interested in history so I know quite much but of course will I consulate you if there is somtehing!


            • #7
              Well, the ships in that time did look different!

              As far as I know the russian baltic sea fleet had to come to the rescue and its captain had painted all the funnels black yellow striped and the sides of all his ships had on bright yellow line.
              The other parts of the ships were painted in a bright white. To say the least the ships looked magnificient, I've seen pictures of them ones on TV, however, they could be seen on the ocean for miles even in the thickest fog. That eventually got them all sunk by the japanees.

              But I believe you are right in that you can simply take some ships from a good WW1 scenario and just repaint them in the right colors.
              I know nothing of japaness ships however. The only thing I know is that they copied a lot from the british so maybe also their ships looked similiar.

              About that playtesting thing: Don't bother testing the version you currently have. There are some mistakes and bugs in it. Nothing serious though. You will get a new one with all the final details,( including sounds, more events, etc,) sometime in the next days. Btw, how does it look? I mean athmosphere, graphic and so on...
              Just email me about it.
              Once you get it please start testing it till the keyboard breaks apart.
              The Lost Geologist Blog

