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Air War 3000 Released!

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  • Air War 3000 Released!

    Seeing all the positive reaction i've gotten for AW3K I doubled up on finishing it up and managed to get it done.

    A couple of notes. There are no sounds since the ones I tried to make made the scenario horrible. Some units I did myself, some are ToT conversions, others are borrowed from other scenarios, same with the terrains. And lastly, don't destroy the barbarian cities, their capture is essential to understanding the game.

    You can download it here.

    Constructive criticsm is welcome.

  • #2
    Very good... the only fault so far is that there's no readme file, some explanation of the units and technologies would be nice.

    The strategically impaired,
    The strategically impaired,


    • #3
      Drat! I thought I zipped it in there with the archives.... I'll have to do an update ASAP. Thanks.


      • #4
        I got through playing a game as the flying tigers, I played it at King level, but it's too easy at that difficulty, some of the other civs were researching pottery by the time I already had mobile warfare.

        I found several bugs, though...

        1. You can't ever research Ancient Knowledge or Aeronautics, even after you capture the proper barbarian cities that should let you do it.

        2. I'm not sure if this counts as a bug, but about midway into the game, Biplanes are your best defenders, however, if you're a democracy, even owning them will cause happiness problems,you'll have to stay as some other government if you have leonardo's workshop.

        Anyway, this is a very enjoyable "build your empire from nothing" scenario, it reminds me of Kobayashi's star trek one.

        The strategically impaired,
        The strategically impaired,


        • #5
          WOOHOO! Havent even downloaded it yet but WOOHOO
          Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

          "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


          • #6
            One last thing... it may be my imagination, but it seems like most of the civs never found any new cities. I say "most' because the yellow civ (whichever that one was) had three cities when I discovered it, but then, it was located on different terrain.

            If the AI can't find "suitable terrain" (what is labeled as grassland, etc.) then it won't build a city; is that what has happened here, or am I imagining things?
            The strategically impaired,


            • #7
              That's strange, Cal. In the many games i've played against the AI, they tend to really spread out except for the really, REALLY isolated ones.

              The 101st Airborne is probably the most expansionistic and the others are close enough that usually they expand as well. Every civ starts the game with only one city. But it seemed to work fine against my AI...


              You should'nt have to research Ancient History or Aeronautics, both should be given to the player that captures Lhasa and Cuzco respectively via the events. Then you can unlock the program password.exe and learn the timeline of the game.


              I never even attempt to play as a Democracy. Republic all the way!

              Thanks for the info and i'll release a new version soon. Maybe even a sequel.


              • #8
                Are you sure? Recheck your events, from what I gathered, capturing the barbarian cities gives you "*fill-in-the-blank* city captured" tech, which is supposed to let you research aeronautics and ancient history, but... I got to the point where there was nothing but future tech left to build, and I couldn't research either tech.

                It's not that they don't expand, what it looks like is that the AI civ's never build on moutaineous terrain... but since that's the majority of the map, usually they don't have more than 3 cities.
                The strategically impaired,


                • #9
                  Hmmm, I just thought of something. You don't even need to research ancient history to get the password. It comes through the event.... What a dummy I am! LOL!

                  I'm gonna have to do some overhauls on the scenario. I knew something was wrong...

