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tech paradigm in multiplayer?

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  • tech paradigm in multiplayer?

    This thread is more of a pointer to threads in the Civ 2 multiplayer and Civ2 creation fora, as this forum tends to be more active than those. I am having difficulties creating a "standard multiplayer patch" that replaces the original rules and units files for large multiplayer games. The problem is that raising the tech paradigm, which is crucial for realism, does not "take" for some reason in multiplayer games. Has this been noticed/discussed before? Any possible solutions? For other issues relating to the creation of this "standard multiplayer patch," check out the lively thread in the Civ2 MP forum.

    Curumbor Elendil
    ICQ 56126989
    Curumbor Elendil
    ICQ 56126989

  • #2
    Well, I'm disappointed I got no responses to my query, but if anyone cares, here's my proposed solution. Comments?


    I think I may have found a solution to the tech paradigm problem: increasing the food and shield boxes to 15 from 10. This is roughly equivalent to playing 2/3x, 2/3x instead of 1x, 1x. The biggest problem with this, I think, is that it may benefit Democracies and Limited Monarchies unduly by allowing them to grow without going through the expanded food box. On the other hand, the expanded shield box probably discriminates against Democracies & Limited Monarchies. I tried to make up for the slight Democratic advantage by raising the cost and upkeep of Police Stations pretty substantially, & returning the costs of caravans and freights to 50 shields. I also reduced the cost of Granaries slightly to help out non-Dem/Lim Mon govts. Finally, I added a recommendation in the readme that you play on Deity, 1x1x.

    The new file is at .

    Curumbor Elendil
    ICQ 56126989
    Curumbor Elendil
    ICQ 56126989


    • #3
      CE: Remember that most scenarios are designed for single play, so it's not too surprising that your question went unanswered. By the way, thanks for the link to the "standard multiplayer patch". If/when I build a multiplayer-focused scenario, that'll be useful information.
      To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

      From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


      • #4
        Oh yes, I'm aware that most scenario writers are concerned with SP rather than MP. But really, the basic problem in my question is how to slow the game down without using the tech paradigm, which is something that I think veteran scenario designers should have some suggestions about. I've been doing testing of the new modpack, which uses increased shield and food boxes. It seems to do the trick. However, world characteristics affect how it plays out in practice a great deal.

        Curumbor Elendil
        ICQ 56126989
        Curumbor Elendil
        ICQ 56126989

