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SHOGUN Units & Flags collection...

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  • #16
    the units i will change depiciting each major side according to their colours in the book, Brown and Grey

    I will add Green and Blue units too to have some colour
    i am the great one:)
    and leader of the cow cult


    • #17
      I'm sorry for my ignorance, yes Blackthorne is based on William Blake. He is an english pilot on a dutch ship that became a friend of the Shogun.

      A question. In XVI century several Japanese cities were almost indipendent from daimyo's power ( just look at Osaka: only Toyotomi Hideyoshi subdued tha town - and skinned alive its defensors ).

      To clean this up as well, historicly this happend before the book Shogun occured. Toyotomi (Taiko in Shogun) was a peasant that united Japan, but since he was a peasant he could not achieve Shogunate. The Taiko only had 1 child (in the book) after a lot of effort . When the Taiko died he knew that there would be problems in Japan if he did not set up a governing body that would control Japan untill his son became of age. He set up 5 regents (2 Christian diamyos Tokugawa[Toranaga], Ishido, and some other guy )

      Each diamyo hated each other so in prinicpale they would never unite against one another. Ishido used lies to change the allegance against Toranaga, which the book takes over. The book talks about, beside the person story, how Toranaga tryed to gain support. Toranaga was an accomplished warrior and had the control of the most powerful Province, the Kunato. Toranaga defeted Ishido's army in 1 battle and the rest of Japan fell. Toranaga becomes leader and is "persuaded" to become Shogun untill the Tiako's sun becomes of age. Then Toranaga married the heir's mother and then the heir became part of Toranaga's familly continueing the lineage os Shoguns that controlled Japan up to the 19th century. They closed off Japan's borders except for Nagasaki.

      That is basically all I know. Now back to the scenario

      Found some maps that will help with the boundaries and major cities. Now i just need to get all the graphics done.

      Can I, and should I edit the city window graphic?
      i am the great one:)
      and leader of the cow cult


      • #18
        It's a lot hard, but if you want to edit city windows graphics ( I tried with Antigonos and failed )...
        "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
        "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
        "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


        • #19
          those units dont take to different colour very well so im going to take that style on to new units and units ive already found.
          Does it just make the city window hard to read?

          Ill try it out and have a look
          i am the great one:)
          and leader of the cow cult

