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Is this to much?

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  • Is this to much?

    Hi everyone I'm debating with myself if my scenario might be to long for an average player. The game starts in 416 B.C and ends in 583 A.D. which consists of 2000 turns...Is that too much for a scenario or not enough? Theres 6 months to a turn. In this time you build up your cities and conquer objectives and keep off major attacks on your empire. You also build up on the tech tree to achieve some objective techs for a final score.
    Civfan (Warriorsoflight)

  • #2

    thats a huge amount, I don't think any scenario thus far has been that long, if you want to do then I would be very intrested in seeing it, however I would advise you to lessen the amount of turns (maybe to 1000, although that may also be too long)
    "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

    "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


    • #3
      2000!?!? Have you gone out of your mind? I'll never get finished before I get my first real job!

      Honestly, it is far too much I believe. Perhaps reduce it to 1000 or maybe even 500?

      Mathias' Civ II Page
      The Lost Geologist Blog


      • #4
        An average normal game to the end is 421 turns.....Does anyone actually play longer than to 2019....
        Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


        • #5
          So basically 500 would be the norm?
          Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


          • #6
            500 turns seems fine to me. +/- 100 turns...

            I´m also wondering about the year 583AD. This time the Western part of the Roman empire was already death, only the Eastern (Byzantine) part survived.



            • #7
              Yes, 500 is kind of the number you should be orientating yourself at. Anything that's much longer will probally bore many players and only the die-hard ones will keep going to the bitter end.

              How about you play until the Roman Empire would have divided into East and West? That would be a good and reasonable landmark to stop.

              Mathias' Civ II Page
              The Lost Geologist Blog


              • #8
                Well, after fooling around withthe stats, I finally got it to work turns 565..... Scenario starts 416 B.C. and ends in 477 A.D. I've also been doing some playtesting and its so far so good.. I redone the map with the Mapedit to increase the size of the map to the new full size.... Well thanks all for your comments on this small subject.

                Civfan (Warriorsoflight)
                Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


                • #9
                  Number of turns is not the only gating factor. A 500 turn limit for "Second Front" would be insane, for example. Conversely an adventure-type scenario in which the human player only has a few units, might move very quickly through 1000 turns. The complexity of each turn should be the real factor in determining what's "too many".
                  To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                  From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                  • #10
                    Since Civfan will have a lot to do in each turn I believe it is not a wise idea to make it too long. 565 turns are fine with me.

                    Mathias' Civ II Page
                    The Lost Geologist Blog


                    • #11
                      Well to be honest its a build from scratch empire game.. I was thinking of alot of turns for the following reasons

                      1. Your going to need to build alot infrustructure in the game.

                      2. Your going to need to discover alot of techs to get certain units which will allow you to surrive against new enemies, "the stirup in the fifth century" and improved governments like Fundamentalism for the later events of the empire.

                      3. The AI is dumb... Like to have the Punic Wars to be a drawn out campaign for the player. More turns can help out the AI to surrive by the way of events. The Punic Wars against Carthage I like to near completed to the timeframe. Sounds abit dumb. "You have captured Carthage, your Republican troops cheer in joy." But its A.D. 400 and your a Monarchy and so forth...

                      4. It can make the scenario more realistic. 1 year passes like 69 A.D? Year of the Four emperors. 4 or 5 turns can represent that year for the events that took place.
                      Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


                      • #12
                        Perhaps, in order to keep the amount of turns acceptable, you could divide the scenario into several smaller ones each covering a certain historical period.
                        This way you could make one framework and then make different campaigns. This way you would also have more techs available for each period and more events without having to bother with multiple event files.
                        The objective of each campaign should be to reach all the objectives that would allow the player to continue the next campaign as if he would be playing it through.

                        Just a thought...

                        Mathias' Civ II Page
                        The Lost Geologist Blog

