Currently up for review on the SLeague site is a fantasy scenario named Ice Realm by Wilson Theodoro.
To the best of my knowledge this is the first scenario to correctly use random barbarians, is this true?
Secondly, I would like to know, Blackclove, why you gave it such a high rating (24). It is invoative in many ways and the author shows much apptitude for scenario writing but it also contained several design flaws as well. So my question is how could you have given a junior scenario the same rating that Cam gave to Mick Uhl's Time Threat Paradox?
To the best of my knowledge this is the first scenario to correctly use random barbarians, is this true?
Secondly, I would like to know, Blackclove, why you gave it such a high rating (24). It is invoative in many ways and the author shows much apptitude for scenario writing but it also contained several design flaws as well. So my question is how could you have given a junior scenario the same rating that Cam gave to Mick Uhl's Time Threat Paradox?