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The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union

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  • #16
    Well, not exactly. I just happen to have a very useful book called"dtv-Atlas Weltgeschichte Band 2 Von der Französischen Revolution bis zur Gegenwart". It is really helpful, unfortunatly I cannot recommend you any english editions because there are none. It's only availible in german. However my knowledge of worldhistory in general is not bad.
    I will look a few things up when you need them. I figure you wont be needing that info right away, will you. I would still have to finish my 2nd scenario and do some playtesting for Stefan Härtel.

    Hmm, one turn=2 month. That would make 42 turns if my math is correct. If you are using are small map that would be sufficient I believe. Why not 82 turns instead, 1 turn=1 month? It's not too long.

    On TRAFOTSU: Damn, my stupid! I should learn to read...
    The Lost Geologist Blog


    • #17
      no new posts in a while.
      well, here's one:

      Hendrik: I think I'll take your route and do the one turn=one month thing. It's not really as much to conquer as you think, because I'm using a great map I found of the Northern Hemisphere. (I found I can't make very good maps)It's still a lot though, and you start with pretty much one city. The only problem I have with this is that this scen spans about 87 years, and whats 87x12 again? It's really gonna drag out...
      Any ideas about this?

      Anybody: You know that little box on a city that shows it's size (i.e. 12, 4, etc...)? Well, I just went to the cities file to change the civ colors, and that little box went all the way to the upper left hand corner. . I made sure the correct dots were aligned on the green border and everything; they're just kinda stuck that way. But I KNOW this can be fixed, or is my computer just screwed up?? Please help...

      Anyway: I'm making pretty good progress on this project. I'll be needing some art soon, and I don't really want to steal all the art, and I'm pretty sucky, so if anybody has any interest, please POST!! Right now I'm working on the Revolution part, and it's kinda neat trying to put all this together. But it's coming along, and I think it's going to be great. Whaddaya think?


      [This message has been edited by Djugashvili (edited December 31, 1999).]
      sigs are for fools who havent said enough!


      • #18
        About the city size indicater:
        To be honest I'm puzzled. Are you absolutely sure you changed the right dots? I mean there are four. 2 blue ones and two light blue ones.
        If that does not help, check the placement of those dots with the other city graphics above or below the one you changed. Sounds funny but something like that happened to my a while ago in my first scenario.

        Well, for the first part 84 turns will be good. In later parts why not change the turn indictment to something else? Maybe 2 month or more if neccessay?

        I have never made units or any graphics for that time period. When I tried I noticed quite quikly that I'm really not good at drawing vehikels of any kind. Perhaps ships but not more. Furthermore, I have no picture sources for that time at all. Allthough I could search the net for some...
        perhaps it is best you ask some of the experts in that question.

        And a happy new year to you! Have fun!
        The Lost Geologist Blog


        • #19
          Thanks for the insight, Hendrik. But how do I change the turn/year increment midway through the scenario?? If there's a way, I've yet to hear it. And I'll try the thing with the dots again; it's pretty confusing.

          sigs are for fools who havent said enough!


          • #20
            I thought you wanted to make 3 or 4 different scenarios which basicly belong together, sorry if I misunderstood.

            If you make let's say for arguements sake 3 scn files which take of where the previous is supposed to end you can simply have different turn indictments for all 3.
            All of these 3 would be in the same scn-folder.
            Also, however it would require the player to cheat, you could change it while playing with the cheat menue. But I don't like that idea.

            As said I misunderstood what you meant with several parts in the first place.
            However, it would be really nice to find a way for this...
            The Lost Geologist Blog


            • #21
              Hmm, I may have to make several different scenarios after all...

              It's a good thing I'm going over this now because I've pretty much worked only on the first part so far...

              But does ANYBODY know how to curtail this problem?? Special mention in the readme if you give a solution!
              sigs are for fools who havent said enough!


              • #22
                There is a way that is a little "twisted"... Forget about year and months etc... Call the generic time unit a turn. Then convert the turns into dates... turn 1= October 1917, turn 2= November 1917 etc... add text to your events file that "announces" the date at the beginning of each turn. Since I assume you are making multiple events substitutions using up event space is irrelevant... Once you get to the date in the scenario when you want to go to 2 months turns, just change the events text accordingly and even if you want to go to 6 months turns or one year turns later in the scenario, there is nothing to it. Just make sure you adjust the time scale factors in the corresponding rules.txt files accordingly so you don't end up with factories that take 6 months to build in 1917 and 6 years to build by 1930...
                The only negative is that the screen will show turns and not dates and that you will have to wait till the next "announcement" to know what month/year it is.


                • #23
                  That's a REAL good idea, but it has one vital flaw: Whenever you use the standard turn year increments, you can go from 1-20-40etc, but not from 1-2-3etc, which would be the correct way to implement this idea. It would technically still work, but the second turn would be called Turn 20, the third Turn 40, etc...

                  No es bueno.

                  I think several seperate scenarios or one REALLY long scenario or one scenario lacking sufficient detail are the only options...
                  [This message has been edited by Djugashvili (edited January 01, 2000).]
                  sigs are for fools who havent said enough!


                  • #24
                    I don't remember exactly how but I got it to work in Alex's Spartacus... (Yes, I worked on that too) It works in weeks and increments by 1 each turn. You could try to download it and see how I did it.

                    Si, es bueno!


                    • #25
                      Hey, I got it to work! Thanks for the great idea, Nemo. The readme for Spartacus kinda confused me though. But the 1turn=1year thing is working for me and I don't really have to worry about it no more. Now what do to do next...
                      sigs are for fools who havent said enough!


                      • #26
                        Well, what I suggest is to write out as much as you can in advance. Start with the units you want to use and then figure out the tech tree.

                        That's just what I think though....


                        • #27
                          Okay, so I've made a units list and layed down a few russian cities. Now I'm at a dilemma. I planned for this game to start in oct1917, and allow the player to possibly make peace with the germans. Although I would prefer to have it this way, I'm really leaning towards having the scen begin after the Brest-Litovsk treaty was signed and right at the beginning of the civil war. All the ways I've thought of to simulate such a treaty have all been too artificial, too complicated, or just wouldn't work.

                          So now that I'm lost, I'll turn to here: How could I simulate a Brest-Litovsk-style treaty? Or do you think it would be okay to start in March1918 after the actual treaty was signed and the Germans occupy a quarter of russia? That would allow the human player to concentrate more on the civil war, as Lenin planned to do when he made peace w/ germany. Please help!
                          sigs are for fools who havent said enough!


                          • #28
                            Hey D, are you going to have anything about the Hungarian Revolution of 1956?

                            Who was born in a house full of pain
                            Who was trained not to spit in the fan
                            Who was told what to do by the man
                            Who was broken by trained personnel
                            Who was fitted with collar and chain
                            Who was given a pat on the back
                            Who was breaking away from the pack
                            Who was only a stranger at home
                            Who was ground down in the end
                            Who was found dead on the phone
                            Who was dragged down by the stone.
                            Re-elect Bush!


                            • #29
                              Sometimes I think that's all you care about MJ!


                              • #30
                                Hungary, ehh? Well, I THINK about it...
                                sigs are for fools who havent said enough!

