Hi everyone. I'm just wondering about the time invested in creating a Scenario. How long would you say it takes you to build a Scenario from scratch?
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Time invested.
1-2 months, 2 hours - 5 hours a day for a scenario with no new graphics (drawn by you) or about 3-4 months, 3-6 hours a day for a scenario with new graphics (drawn by you).
Nick Crown (Greek.)
Nicholas Crown
The War of Civilization - An online Civilization text game.
I suppose "months" is hardly the answer you're looking for!
In many respects, it seems to in part rely on what you're trying to do with your scenario and how experienced you are in scenario development. Jesús Balsinde was able to knock together the 'Sable' entry to the first SDC in three days, drawing on the experience and ideas developed in his previous scenarios' construction.
Also, it's often difficult to pinpoint a starting time in a scenario's development...
...for instance, ever since I did a Creators' Guild assessment of Nick Holzapfel's "Darken" scenario, I've been thinking of how to do one where trade becomes a crucial component of the game, not ignored or barely factored as is the case with many scenarios. This idea may not see 'germination' for over a year, but may still be a crucial plank in the scenario's creation.
Another example is when you begin research on a theme, then drop the idea for a while, and pick it up later. Again, I have a medieval Italian scenario which has plenty of planning, but not come to fruition in terms of creating artwork, an events structure, a tech' tree and so on.
I've only completed three scenarios myself, and each were quite different - my first scenario (Pyramid Pursuit) probably took four months, much time trying to come to terms with the elements of scenario design. The second (Gangster), perhaps half a year, with a greater focus on graphics - particularly unit development, where I could spend several hours on a single unit image (and often throwing it away at the end!), while my own entry to the first SDC (Rhino) took about two months as most of the artwork was 'borrowed'.
Woops - Nick just posted the above note while I was writing mine... in the main I agree with his general timeline.
[This message has been edited by Cam (edited October 29, 1999).]
It cuts down on time if you sketch out details before you start playing with the computer. Once you have an idea, look for a map here on Apolyton. I also suggest you look at several graphic collections (allicons, allterrain, allcities, and units - look in the CSC) because a lot of great artwork already exists. I agree with everyone who has stated that making new artwork is time-consuming but rewarding."You give a guy a crown and it goes straight to his head."
I agree with Cam there too.
Nick Crown (Greek.)
Nicholas Crown
The War of Civilization - An online Civilization text game.
It really depends.
Once, I was able to create two scenarios within about 5 hours time.
I even wrote the readme, but only one was sent out for playtesting, Artaxerxes.
While it was playtested by Mr. Temba, I suddenly realized that the scenario was nice, but didn't have the stuff for a great one. I totally remade it, with graphical assistance by Allard Höfelt. It took me about 2 months from that time, and I am working on my upcoming scenarios for three months now, while my remake of the 3d Punic War has been released (without playtesting, only by myself). My remake of Darius the Great is being playtested, and it took me about a week, basically because I made most of the artwork before, but it is still new!
Other scenarios, such as "Quest for Asia1&2" took me less than a month.
But that really depends on what kind of a scenario you want to make. A plain scenario without events, possibly without graphics? Around 2-3 hours, depending on the map.
A historically accurate scenario? Up to 20 hours, if you don't do much research. Otherwise, you'd have to hit the books or search the net, which might take a few days too, if you're a fast reader and you find your answers quick.
Otherwise, you'll need a few weeks on that.
A scenario with brand-new features etc.? Up to 3 months.
Can't speak for fantasy.Follow the masses!
30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!
It depends on a lot of things. o you want to include new art? Do you have to make your won map? Is it a historical scenario (does it require research)? And, most importantly, how complex do you want it to be?
On average a good scenario will take a few months, without the playtesting. My two scenarios (fall of the west roman empire, barron's earth 3000) both took around 3 months.Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit
Of course it depends on how extensive a scenario...
Terrain modifications: 40-50 hours
New Units: > 200 hours
Map making: 10-15 hours
Rules: 8-10 hours
Research: 20-30 hours
Initial setup: 10-15 hours
Sounds: 20 hours
Event files: 20-25 hours
Playtesting: > 100 hours
Misc.: 10 hours
To parrot everyone else, it depends on a lot of factors. My first Ancient Empires scenario took a year and a half from concept to deployment. Here's where the time went:
Research: 6 months. It contains a "ground-up" Tech Tree, and I wanted that to be as historically accurate as possible. Then you have things like units (which ones, relative strengths, etc.), wonders, city improvements, events, etc. If you fail here, it will taint the entire scenario.
Graphics: 4 months. People, Icons, Units, & Terrain. I encourage borrowing (just try to limit your use of "original" civ icons), but you should have some of your own invention. A scenario which consists entirely of borrowed art isn't necessarily a bad thing, but make sure they FIT together. Some have art combos which just look UGLY!
Map: 1 month. From scratch.
Events: 1 month. Research is one thing, now you have to make them work! And I used only one events file. The new theory (relatively speaking) is to use multiple events files. This can really ratchet up the entertainment quotient, but it takes longer to pull together....and it's one more thing to go wrong!
The scenario: 4 months. To quote the Bard, "The play's the thing!" So while originality will get you high marks from the cognoscenti, entertainment is the key. Fail here and your playtesters will vanish like smoke in a high wind, and your scenario will sink without a trace!
To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton
From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise