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"Old and New" scenario website

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  • "Old and New" scenario website

    Here's the URL for my upcoming scenario: "Old and New."
    I'll eventually post a description and screenshots; right now it's just downloads and instructions.

    It's just about to the play-test stage. I just need to finish the iroquois city graphics, so if you can bear with the cities not looking right yet, the scenario is playable.

    Also on the agenda is to finish some descriptions for units; although you will find that many new civilopedia descriptions are already done.

    I also have to cover up some squares in the English map that shouldn't be revealed.

    I will post to this thread as I make changes, so that you can be alerted to updates to the download file. (The plague patch probably won't receive any more updates.)

    Here it is:


  • #2
    I've got the smallest size iroquois city done. Maybe some of you who are good at manipulating images could derive the bigger cities from that image? (Look in cities.bmp in the scenario.)

    If you need inspiration, I have several pictures of iroquois longhouses here:



    • #3
      I noticed that the plague patch won't work for macintosh, if you send me the graphics used in the plague patch I might be able to create something simmilar for the mac (since I have discovered where the coresponding animation is stored in the mac version).
      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


      • #4
        That would be absolutely great, Henrik!

        The graphic I have changed is for the nuclear explosion.

        Here is a link to the new graphic:

        THanks a lot!



        • #5
          Are you checking your "private messages" I beleive I sebt one to you.
          Annyhow: the conversion has been made, Im thinking of creating an overall mac version of your scen (that way I will be able to play it to). Would you be interested in such a version?
          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


          • #6
            Of course Henrik, that sounds great!

            Keep in mind, the scenario isn't in its final form yet. I've described what I still need to do; and even after that I will try to make changes if I can based on player feedback.

            But, yes, a version for macs would be great. And if you do play it, I would like to hear your feedback.



            • #7
              There is now a section for Mac downloads on the site, thanks to henrik. (thanks henrik! )



              • #8
                Hey Snog,

                Out of curiosity, where is the extension .nu from?


                • #9
                  Its from a little nation in the pacific ocean.
                  It's often used often used by swedish people since "nu" means "now" in swedish. Companies tend to like using names meaning things like: (if they are selling glasses).
                  [This message has been edited by Henrik (edited January 18, 2001).]
                  No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                  • #10
                    Quite right. If you would like to know about it visit



                    • #11
                      OK, Henrik, I made several changes based on your feedback, for which I thank you very much.

                      Tech tree has been revamped; it now takes significantly longer to reach Land Transformation or Steam Engine.

                      Two new units: garrisons, and siege cannons

                      I changed the city style for the English and improved their AI.

                      The new version is now on the website. (MS Windows version only.)



                      • #12
                        I just updated the Mac version of the scenario on the site.

                        I will try to have the scenario in a form that I consider ready for playtesting sometime today.

                        I'll keep you all posted!


                        • #13
                          Alright then!

                          I just made some significant changes, reflecting some of Henrik's suggestions:

                          Seperate tech trees and specialized units for natives, and for europeans, each with their own unique abilities: plus an extra advance (attack training) yielding an extra unit (elite warriors.)

                          These changes are now reflected on the website



                          • #14
                            I just posted a new version after fixing some bugs.

                            I'm going to fix up the balance of the civs a bit, and then seek out some play-testers.



                            • #15
                              Yes, those are both included in the "bugs" that I was talking about. They're fixed now.


