Since it was year end I was looking at my expenses for the current year, and since I was also bored I calculated how much I spent on games, peripherals, and hardware (I don't save reciepts except on Hardware so thier all estimates, pretty accurate however).
In order of purchase
NOLF: $45
Europa Universalis: $40
NHL 2000: $10
Age of Empires (gold):$20
Deus Ex: $25
Shogun Total War: $22
Hardware Upgrade (Mobo, Athlon 1.2, DDR ram): $270
Heretic 2: $5
UT (my own copy had been using my bro's): $5
Gamepad: $15
Sea Dogs: $25
The Corporate Machine: $20
Age of Wonders: $5
Joystick: $30
Red Baron 3D: $12
Giants: $18
Tiger Woods 2000: $20
Civ3 LE: $55
Alice: $20
Bringing the grand total to: $662
Which is about $100 more than I expected. So I was wondering what I every one else spends. If you bought a lot of new hardware this year; I'd recomend amortizing it. Meaning if you bought a $1000 system and expect to replace it in 3 years, divide the 1000 by three. I didn't amortize my purchase since I tend to spend about $300 a year on upgrades. Of course you could just estimate what you spent. So how hardcore are you?
I wish I could say this was for a class but it's not I'm just a geek
In order of purchase
NOLF: $45
Europa Universalis: $40
NHL 2000: $10
Age of Empires (gold):$20
Deus Ex: $25
Shogun Total War: $22
Hardware Upgrade (Mobo, Athlon 1.2, DDR ram): $270
Heretic 2: $5
UT (my own copy had been using my bro's): $5
Gamepad: $15
Sea Dogs: $25
The Corporate Machine: $20
Age of Wonders: $5
Joystick: $30
Red Baron 3D: $12
Giants: $18
Tiger Woods 2000: $20
Civ3 LE: $55
Alice: $20
Bringing the grand total to: $662
Which is about $100 more than I expected. So I was wondering what I every one else spends. If you bought a lot of new hardware this year; I'd recomend amortizing it. Meaning if you bought a $1000 system and expect to replace it in 3 years, divide the 1000 by three. I didn't amortize my purchase since I tend to spend about $300 a year on upgrades. Of course you could just estimate what you spent. So how hardcore are you?
I wish I could say this was for a class but it's not I'm just a geek