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Where can I get a copy of UnrealEd?

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  • Where can I get a copy of UnrealEd?

    Y'know, the editor of Unreal. I tried their website, and I checked my Unreal Gold disk to see if it were there. No luck.

  • #2
    Wow... unreal. That's old. I think I might have unrealed it in some archive somewhere, i'll root around for it. why do you need it?


    • #3
      Ah! I have a [fat, slim, outside] chance at getting a job as a "world designer" for an upcoming computer game. However, one of the things they're looking for is people who know how to use editors such as the one in Unreal.

      My Unreal Gold game has some UnrealEd files, but no exe-file for it. In the alternative, if I could get my hands on a UnrealEd file called Threed32.ocx that might work as well.


      • #4
        Sorry, searched through my archives and couldn't find unrealed anywhere. best of luck finding it


        • #5
          Thanks anyway. I appreciate the effort.


          • #6
            If you go here for some background info; it'll link to here where you can download a patch that contains UnrealEd.



            • #7
              Thanks, Scud.


              • #8
                I use UnrealEd to make DeusEx levels, and what I don't understand is why it has to be some complicated. I haven't made any user levels since Duke Nukem 3d, but doggonit the Build was pretty good. You could split up sectors and add verticies with a touch of a button. Swinging doors were hard, but at least you didn't have to fiddle around with the textures to make them display right.

