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  • Cutthroats

    I am considering whether or not I should buy this game. It was discussed on this forum some time ago. The consensus seemed to be that it was a good game, but badly marred by poor quality code leading to repeated crashes. Is there anything that anyone would want to add to this? Overall, is it a good buy?


    [This message has been edited by John D Ward (edited August 11, 2000).]

  • #2
    I had been a regular at the CT forum on eidos since Sept 99. Earlier this year, they released patch v.7 that had been pronounced stable by most players, assuming you follow the recommended system tweaks. Even though I did not buy the game myself (I hate RTS games), I had developed several close friends over there, thus the reason I know about CT. The game is quite complex and comprehensive, covering everything about pirating in the Spanish Main. If you are used to playing RTS games of this style and have an interest in this time period, buy it, since I know now you can find it for under $20.


    • #3
      I've played it with Patch 6.0. I didn't have trouble with crashes, but I did wrestle with other bugs.

      When I sacked a town, one or more of my men when get stuck in buildings and would refuse all orders to come out. This means I could not just end the raid by moving my men back to the beach, but that I had to manually sail my ships away from the town, which takes more than a half hour real time.

      Also, the game seemed to get nationalities mixed up. Spanish governors would give me a pass to a city Spain was at war with. And once, after ravishing English towns and ships, I arrived at one of my home Spanish ports and the governor revoked my letters of marque because I had been attacking Spanish shipping.

      Finally, no matter how many townsfolk I took prisoner, they never showed up on my ships so that I could ransom them.
      [This message has been edited by Zkribbler (edited August 11, 2000).]


      • #4
        i had played the demo
        it made me to start looking up for my old disks of (Sid's of course) Pirates! ...

