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the WORST computer game you have ever played.

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  • the WORST computer game you have ever played.

    im not limiteng this to any type of game, althogh it must be a PC game

    For me. its Hexplore, the only game so bad i wanted to throtle the clerk who let me walk out the dore with it.

  • #2

    Sorry, about the yelling, but crikey, boy was that game a stinker!

    2nd place: Wing Commander 2: 'Uh, instead of making the game better, we could just throw 3 times the amount of enemies at 'em.' WC never, to me, lived up to its promise.

    'the sports leader'


    • #3
      Wing Commander 2 is actually one of my favorite Wing Commander games. I liked it so much I got a box autographed by Chris Roberts. My least favorite game is a little similar though, PC Elite + (the one by Chris Sawyer). Now, I don't like Elite, and when Chris Sawyer tried to make an Elite, it just sucked way too much.
      "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
      "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
      "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
      "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


      • #4
        Solitaire, I guess

        I still can't figure out how to play the stupid game. Minesweeper became clear in the first five minutes and Hearts was relatively easy to understand. But what in Vishnu's name am I supposed to do in Solitaire? I always get stuck due to incompatible cards.:-(
        Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


        • #5
          um actual i ment to limit this to games you had to pay for or got as a gift from freinds/relatives/ect

          If you want to include the frebees thogh the worst waist of HD was that lil Skiing game that was packed into the Digital comuter i got a while back


          • #6
            The 3 worst games I wasted my money on...

            3rd worst

            Hellfire -diablo all over again

            2nd worst

            EF2000 -tried to force myself into liking a flight sim

            worst game ever

            7th Guest -can't explain this one

            Solitaire?? How could you not work that one out? It's the other way round for me, I couldn't work out minesweeper.


            • #7
              Axis & Allied is a great board game, the PC version from Hasbro would be Ok but like any other Hasbro game I know of, they did not care to make any AI.

