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WW2 scenario?

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  • WW2 scenario?

    I had read in at least one preview about an excellent World War 2 scenario to be included with CTP2. When I got my copy and checked, I didn't see one, only the Alexander, Samurai, and Nuclear Detente ones. Am I missing something? Was the scenario removed before release?

  • #2
    It got replaced by one of those that are in the game now. It will still be released later as a download...


    • #3
      Depp is correct- we substituted the Magnificent Samurai scenario for the WW2 scenario. We are still working on the WW2 scenario, and intend to release it soon through our web page.


      • #4
        Is it going to be a global, European or Pacific based scenario?
        One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


        • #5

          Originally posted by Big Crunch on 11-19-2000 06:22 PM
          Is it going to be a global, European or Pacific based scenario?

          I hope it's a global scenario... if it isn't, it better be focused on Europe... I find that area more interesting, as far as WWII goes... But I would really prefer the complete scenario, as it would otherwise be cut in half.


          • #6
            A WWII GLOBAL scenario??! I think you're all asking too much.

            However, I must admit ... if that was the case, I'd be the first to download it ... ;-)


            • #7
              the thing is that if they do a global one, it will probably be on the size of the existing world map(70x150). would you like a ww2 scenario where is england is 5 tiles long?

              btw, to the people who didnt like the world map: please make us a better one on the SAME size...


              • #8
                That's a good point, MarkG. If I remember correctly, the original Civ had a world map wherein Britain was only 3-5 tiles in size. I was curious where the game would place the English so I tried a game on it. You guessed it ... the stupid thing landed me smack dab on that ridiculous island!

                Come on, let's admit it folks. These dumb, goofy things are what create the memories ... :-D


                • #9
                  I pretty much assumed it would be European. I just wanted clarification.
                  One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                  • #10
                    I hope a good job will be done on the ww2 scenario. In case no one read my post on the ctp2-suggestion forum, the alexander scenario has a whole bunch of flaws. Let's hope the same thing doesnt happen for a ww2 one...


                    • #11
                      I'd like to see a Pacific War scenario with Carrier Task groups and battleships. Island hoping across the Pacific!
                      What would also would be nice is a North Atlantic scenario with the allied player having to transport units across the ocean and the axis player using u-boats and air to stop the flow.


                      • #12
                        If it´s not global it has gotta be european, that´s where the real war was fought ! Pancing around in the pacific doesn´t count for anything...

