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Column #139; By St. Swithin

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  • #46
    Mark is partially right. What will be better? To have many small cities or to build few cities which will become giga???

    I guess I will build many cities and then destroy some of them in later stages of the game…(not very realistic but…)
    One Life One Game...


    • #47
      If my city is squeezed in between other cities and the city radius is cropped short, will I still need the same number of population that I would need if it was free in order to harvest 100% of resources? If for example another city prevents my city to gather resources from 3 squares that would have been inside its radius but are controlled by the other one, will I need 3 less workers to gather the full resources?
      In this case, what will happen of the extra 3 workers? Must they be specialists forever or could they be used LATER to gather resources when eventually the radius will grow another ring?
      The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around: it cracked and growled and roared and howled like noises in a swound!

