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Anyone want a look at CTP2 tech poster?

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  • Anyone want a look at CTP2 tech poster?

    Courtesy of Playnow Australia

    The tech tree poster is now available online in pdf format.
    Monkey I am proud to be!
    Trim the sails and roam the sea!
    Trim the sails and roam the sea!

  • #2
    I can only say GREAT!!!!!

    Keep Smile and keep cleare in your head.
    Everyone is its fate - and its environment - blacksmith
    Keep Smile and keep cleare in your head. | Everyone is its fate - and its environment - blacksmth.
    A.o.t.s.S. connections: (a Master of Orion,Civ,... Alliance,or also called "Clan")
    Internet: dies


    • #3
      There are a few problems I could mention with the tech progressions, such as technocracy required for chaos theory or guided weapons required for nuclear power.
      Only minor things though - overall it seems good.
      One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


      • #4
        dont about the first but

        Originally posted by Big Crunch on 11-11-2000 09:03 AM
        guided weapons required for nuclear power
        what's wrong with that?


        • #5
          For those with slow computers/modems/small monitors and without Acrobat reader installed:

          ------------------------------------ Edited:
          Damn formatting! At least it got somewhat better.

          The tech-tree consists of 12 rows of different tech-types:

          Construction.................11 techs
          Engineering...................8 techs
          Seafaring.....................8 techs
          Aerospace.....................7 techs
          Military.....................13 techs
          Economics.....................9 techs
          Physical sciences.............8 techs
          Cultural advancements.........5 techs
          Environmental sciences........6 techs
          Energy sciences..............10 techs
          Medicine......................7 techs
          Government & Education.......14 techs
          106 techs totally

          U = Unit
          C = City improvement
          T = Tile improvement
          Capital letters = Wonders

          C O N S T R U C T I O N (from left to right):

          STONE WORKING..........City wall (C), Fortification (T), PYRAMIDS
          MASONRY................Aqueduct (C), GREAT WALL
          CONCRETE...............Arena (C), FORBIDDEN CITY
          FEUDALISM..............Capitol (C), Knight; Pikemen (U)
          AGRICULTURAL...........Advanced farms (T), Mill (C)
          INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION..Factory (C), Machine gunner (U)
          OIL REFINING...........Drilling platform (T), Oil refinery (C), Submarine (U)
          MASS PRODUCTION........Pt boat; Destroyer (U), Infrastructure (C), Sonar buoy (T)
          ROBOTICS...............Automated fisheries (T), Robotic plants (C)
          NANO-ASSEMBLY..........Nanite factory (C), Sea engineer (U), Undersea tunnels (T)
          NANO-MACHINES..........Aqua-filter (C), NANITE DEFUSER, Undersea mines (T)

          E N G I N E E R I N G :

          TOOLMAKING.............Warrior (U)
          BRONZE WORKING.........Hoplite (U)
          IRON WORKING...........Samurai (U)
          MODERN METALLURG.......Ironclad (U)
          RAILROAD...............Food silo (C), Railroads (T)
          ADV. URBAN PLANNING....Mega mines (T), Urban planner (U)
          ARCOLOGIES.............Arcologies (C)
          SMART MATERIALS........Dreadnaught (U), Mega undersea mines (T)

          S E A F A R I N G :

          SHIP BUILDING..........Coracle (U), Nets (T)
          HULL MAKING............Longships (U), Port (C)
          OCEAN FARING...........Carrack (U), EAST INDIA COMPANY
          NAVAL TACTICS..........Battlements (C), Ship of the line (U)
          ADV. NAVAL TACTICS.....Battleship (U)
          NAVAL AVIATION.........Aircraft carrier (U)
          FLUID BREATHING........Scout sub (U)
          ULTRA-PRESSURE.........Advanced undersea mines (T), Crawler (U)

          A E R O S P A C E :

          AERODYNAMICS...........Airbase (T), Airport (C), Fighter (U)
          VERTICLE FLIGHT........Cargo helicopter (U)
          JET PROPULSION.........Bomber (U)
          SUPERSONIC FLIGHT......Interceptor (U)
          ADVANCED COMPOSITS.....Steath fighter; Stealth bomber (U)
          SPACE FLIGHT...........Orbital laboratory (C), Space plane (U)
          AI SURVEILLAN..........Spy plane (U), Security monitor (C)

          M I L I T A R Y :

          AGRICULTURE............Farms (T), Granary (C)
          SLAVE LABOUR...........Mines (T), Slaver (U)
          BALLISTICS.............Archer (U), Ballista towers (C)
          HORSE RIDING...........Mounted archer (U), Trading post (T)
          ALCHEMY................Fire trireme (U)
          GUNPOWDER..............Infantrymen (U)
          CANNON MAKING..........Cannon (U)
          CAVALERY TACTICS.......Cavalery (U)
          EXPLOSIVES.............Advanced mines (T), Artillery (U)
          TANK WARFARE...........Tank (U)
          ADVANCED INFANTRY......Marine; Paratrooper (U)
          PLASMA WEAPONRY........Plasma destroyer; Leviathan (U)
          NANO WARFARE...........Infector (U), Nano-defence (C)

          E C O N O M I C S :

          TRADE..................THE APPIAN WAY, Bazaar (C), Caravan (U), Roads (T)
          BANKING................Bank (C)
          ECONOMICS..............LONDON EXCHANGE, Brokerage (C)
          MASS MEDIA.............Outlett mall (T), Televangelist (U), Television (C)
          CORPORATION............Corporate branch (U), EMPIRE STATE BUILDING
          GLOBAL ECONOMICS.......Capitalization (C), HOLLYWOOD, Freight transport (U)

          P H Y S I C A L S C I E N C E S :

          GEOMETRY...............Catapult (U)
          OPTICS.................GALILEOS TELESCOPE
          QUANTUM PHYSICS........(None)
          CHAOS THEORY...........Hover Infantry (U)
          UNIFIED PHYSICS........Forcefield (C), NATIONAL FIELD

          C U L T U R A L A D V A N C E M E N T S :

          RELIGION...............RAMAYANA, Shrine (C)
          DRAMA..................Theater (C)
          PHILOSOPHY.............Academy (C), ARISTOTLES LYCEUM
          THEOLOGY...............Basilica (C), Cleric (U), HAGA SOPHIA)
          FASCISM................Fascist (U)

          E N V I R O N M E N T A L S C I E N C E S :

          MASS TRANSIT...........Public transportation (C)
          CONSERVATION...........Nature preserve (T), Recyckling plant (C)
          FUEL CELLS.............Eco-transit (C)
          ECOTOPIA...............CENTRAL MATTER DECOMPILER, Eco terrorist (U), Matter (C)
          GAYA THEORY............EDEN PROJECT, Eco-rangers (U)
          GAYA CONTROLLE.........Gaya controller core (C), Gaya power satellites (C), Obelisk (T)

          E N E R G Y S C I E N C E S :

          ELECTRICITY............Listening post (T), Movie palace (U); wrong - probably (C).
          INTERNAL COMBUSTION....Troop ship (U)
          RADAR..................Mobile SAM (U), Flak towers (C), Radar station (T)
          COMPUTER...............Computer center (C)
          GUIDED WEAPON..........Cruise missile (U)
          NUCLEAR POWER..........Nuclear plant (C), Nuclear submarine (U)
          NEURAL INTERFACE.......Cyber ninja (U), VR Amusement park (C)
          FUSION.................Fusion plant (C), Fusion tank (U)
          CYBERNETICS............War walker (U)

          M E D I C I N E :

          PHARMACEUTICAL.........Drug store (C), PENICILLIN
          MODERN MEDICIN.........Hospital (C)
          GENETICS...............GENOME PROJECT, Hydroponic domes (T)
          GENE THERAPY...........Emphatic diplomat (U), WORLD PEACE CENTER
          HUMAN CLONING..........Incubation center (C)
          GENETIC TAILORING......Cornucopic vats (C), Kraken (U)
          LIFE EXTENSION.........Body exchange (C)

          G O V E R N M E N T & E D U C A T I O N :

          JURISPRUDENCE..........CHICHEN ITZA, Courthouse (C)
          BUREAUCRACY............Diplomat (U)
          CLASSICAL EDUCATION....Abolitionist (U), University (C)
          PRINTING PRESS.........GUTENBERGS BIBLE, Publishing (C)
          NATIONALISM............Spy (U)
          CRIMINAL CODE..........Correctional facility (C), Lawyer (U)
          CORPORATE REPUBLIC.....(None)
          GLOBAL COMMUNICATION...Anti-ballistic missiles (C), GLOBESAT
          NEURAL REPROGRAMMING...Behavioral mod center (C)

          [This message has been edited by Ralf (edited November 11, 2000).]


          • #6

            I've never heard of a nuclear bomb or nuclear plant requiring a guided missile system to function.

            Missile guidance and bomb dynamics are distinct components. Fat man (?) wasn't a guided missile. Chenobyl didn't have any missile guidance components either.
            [This message has been edited by Big Crunch (edited November 11, 2000).]
            One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


            • #7
              Can anyone convert this pdf file to something easier (smaller) to download (and have it available here at Apolyton)?


              • #8

                Originally posted by Big Crunch on 11-11-2000 02:57 PM
                I've never heard of a nuclear bomb or nuclear plant requiring a guided missile system to function.

                Missile guidance and bomb dynamics are distinct components.
                but if you dont want to have two advancesm but one that basically gives nuclear missiles, what do you do?


                • #9

                  Originally posted by MarkG on 11-11-2000 05:55 PM
                  if you dont want to have two advancesm but one that basically gives nuclear missiles, what do you do?

                  do what they did in civ2, where rocketry and nuclear fission was required to build nukes. Individually you could build cruise missiles or nuclear plants respectively.

                  If you don't have rocketry just use bombers with on board nukes. ICBMs are not the only delivery system.

                  [This message has been edited by Big Crunch (edited November 11, 2000).]
                  One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                  • #10
                    Well besides a few minor quirks in the tech tree (like guided missiles needed for nuclear plants... maybe they thought missile warfare accelerated the development of nuclear power??) the tech tree looks a lot better.

                    Some things to point out.

                    1) Slavers need to be researched while city walls are now one of the initial techs. This should give a slight advantage to the non slaver civ.

                    2) Theology and Hagia Sophia been pushed back to the REnaissance age. Anyone who played CTP1 can tell how unbalancing it was for Hagia Sophia appearing as an ancient wonder.

                    3)A lot of the "stupid" wonders appeared to have disappeared or replaced by equivalent counterparts with better names. Examples include Labyrinth, Contraception, ESP center(this had a really stupid movie)

                    4) One of my favourite wonders has been retained... National Shield( kick a$$ movie and effect)

                    5) One of my favourite wonders has disappeared... Space Ladder . I always get such a sense of accomplishment when I built it.
                    Monkey I am proud to be!
                    Trim the sails and roam the sea!
                    Trim the sails and roam the sea!


                    • #11
                      Guided Weapons represents advances in electronic senors and control circuits, both crucial in the developement of nuclear energy and weaponry. Since space has been practicaly eliminated in CTP2, Rocketry is not on the tech tree. Guided Weapons is a tech that would appear around the same time as Rocketry. The Germans in WWII had developed both. Fortunately for the Allies they were only able to produce limited weapons based on these technologies.
                      "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo

