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Weird AI behavior...

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  • Weird AI behavior...

    We all know that Ship Of Line and Ironclad can't bombard land, but the AI players don't seem to realize this. I found it very often that AI players tried to bombard land with Ship Of Lines and Ionclads constantly, even after the first attempts had failed.

  • #2

    That was already there in CtP1, I told em then and they still havent fixed this.

    This is just too funny.



    • #3
      It doesn't matter with me anymore - I simply gave the Ship of the Line and Ironclad bombarding capability on both sea and land.

      I also gave Ship of the Line the ability to transport three land units.
      A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


      • #4

        Originally posted by MrFun on 12-15-2000 10:03 AM
        It doesn't matter with me anymore - I simply gave the Ship of the Line and Ironclad bombarding capability on both sea and land.

        I also gave Ship of the Line the ability to transport three land units.

        I did the same thing. I cant believe they'd ship a game with such stupid restrictions. You'd think they'd realize that most of us would go in and immediately revert it back to CtP1 status.

        History is written by the victor.


        • #5
          yea but remember, everything they do is so the game BALANCES out. I never really played CTPI but everyone said that the ship of the line was too powerful in the game too early on in the game cause it could bombard land.


          • #6
            Right but the counterbombardment from the canon did make balance again (WES mod). The SOTL couldn't just sail around, bombarding anything without getting damaged too.
            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


