Ummmm, I spend my entire game telling them not to pirate, they pirate. Please STOP TRESPASSING, damn AI says "Ok" but his stupid Archer / Settler group still sits there.
i tend to believe that you have to "prove your power" to the AI in order to start listening to you. the lack of feedback when you're rejected leaves experience as your only tool to figure out how to do well in diplomacy...
check the diplomacies.txt to see the negative and positive regard bonuses according to your actions
Mark, my god man what are you saying??? Do you not realize that this is a serious problem? The trespass and pirate part of the diplomacy and game is a mess.
"can you stop trespassing sir?"
"sure i agree" says the bad or good guy
twenty turns later his crap is still in my land, seems harmless anyway but still annoying. I think when you agree to withdraw your units zap out of that countries border area and if you cross that border for any number of turns you break the agreement and your free game for slaughtering by the offended nation and his allies. lets face it, there is a reason why we dont want OPP (other peoples pikemen) on our land and their must be a better reason (useful reason) to use diplomacy to avoid war, so somebody fix it, its a bug, a glich a problem why dont people admit it for gods sake??????? grrrrrrrrr yeah yeah i know its a game, so that also means it should be easy to fix.....
how much did activision pay you mark??
about the pirate thing, your gosh darn right its messed up, and if you dont see it then your getting payed by either activision or hillary clinton. my bloody friend, my ally, my trade partner PIRATES MY ROUTES even after time and time again i ask him to stop. yet he still sits there with the chit eating grin on his face saying he loves me and completely trusts me. Yeah i guess he would considering he can just take my money and break his agreements and i sit there dumbfounded not wanting to beat him up for it. I mean come on guys, this kinda crap is just funny.
there are many other INCONSISTANCIES IN THIS GAME, i hope hope hope that activision or some resourceful chap can fix some of these bugs in the game.
by the way is anyone else having problems using multiplayer? it wont let me enter the lobby , i could play it in ctp1 but not ctp2. another bug?
Ummmm, I spend my entire game telling them not to pirate, they pirate. Please STOP TRESPASSING, damn AI says "Ok" but his stupid Archer / Settler group still sits there.
i tend to believe that you have to "prove your power" to the AI in order to start listening to you. the lack of feedback when you're rejected leaves experience as your only tool to figure out how to do well in diplomacy...
check the diplomacies.txt to see the negative and positive regard bonuses according to your actions
Mark, my god man what are you saying??? Do you not realize that this is a serious problem? The trespass and pirate part of the diplomacy and game is a mess.
"can you stop trespassing sir?"
"sure i agree" says the bad or good guy
twenty turns later his crap is still in my land, seems harmless anyway but still annoying. I think when you agree to withdraw your units zap out of that countries border area and if you cross that border for any number of turns you break the agreement and your free game for slaughtering by the offended nation and his allies. lets face it, there is a reason why we dont want OPP (other peoples pikemen) on our land and their must be a better reason (useful reason) to use diplomacy to avoid war, so somebody fix it, its a bug, a glich a problem why dont people admit it for gods sake??????? grrrrrrrrr yeah yeah i know its a game, so that also means it should be easy to fix.....
how much did activision pay you mark??
about the pirate thing, your gosh darn right its messed up, and if you dont see it then your getting payed by either activision or hillary clinton. my bloody friend, my ally, my trade partner PIRATES MY ROUTES even after time and time again i ask him to stop. yet he still sits there with the chit eating grin on his face saying he loves me and completely trusts me. Yeah i guess he would considering he can just take my money and break his agreements and i sit there dumbfounded not wanting to beat him up for it. I mean come on guys, this kinda crap is just funny.
there are many other INCONSISTANCIES IN THIS GAME, i hope hope hope that activision or some resourceful chap can fix some of these bugs in the game.
by the way is anyone else having problems using multiplayer? it wont let me enter the lobby , i could play it in ctp1 but not ctp2. another bug?