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The Feel of CTP-2

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  • The Feel of CTP-2

    I bought CTP-1 directly when it came out, but was rather disapointed with it, i though some changes that was made by Celestial Dawn and a few more people would help so I installed them. But they really didn't fix my main problem. I didn't feel the same way that i had when playing CIV 2. In Civ 2 i feelt like an emperor and i got sometimes personal with my feelings for my country and the computer players, sometimes i thought about going back to the game to teach the Germans a lesson for declaring war on me. CTP-1 was more numbers for me, not the same feel.

    All I have read in this forum and from the screenshoots CTP-2 has improved on this in many ways.
    Diplomacy, Borders and city screens to mention a few things. So i will defiently buy it to check it out myself.

    But i am still a bit worried that my expectations will be to high.

    What do all of you that played CTP-2 feel when playing CTP-2, do you feel like an emperor?


  • #2
    Japp, det gör man Diplomatin gör att man får en mycket mer personlig kontakt med moståndarna, sen står de tex varför de gillar en eller inte också, sen har de mycket mer olika peronlighetstyper. Ett värt spel.

    Translated to english:0


    • #3
      But what's making CTP-2 so much better than other civ-games... SMAC had borders and great diplomacy and no trouble moving units and decent interface... and I think I read somewhere that the "invisible" units like spies are not invisible anymore. Is that true? It was one of the things that made CTP unique and playable despite its flaws. Anyway, I'm not convinced yet...

      Hej förresten...


      • #4

        Originally posted by Freddz on 11-19-2000 08:59 AM
        and I think I read somewhere that the "invisible" units like spies are not invisible anymore. Is that true? It was one of the things that made CTP unique and playable despite its flaws.
        actually, it's just that all "invisible" units can now see each other. a diplomat can spot a lawyer for example, etc...


        • #5
          Okay, that sounds good...


          • #6
            Great! Now I just have to stand the wait until it arrives in sweden.

            One more thing that I hope have been improved (Looks like it has) is the unit look. I though the old one had a bit of cartonish look. Suppose i could change those I don't like with all the mods that will be created..

            The facist have to be a modern unit for example. But the CTP-1 was highly customized so i am not worried about this part.


            • #7
              Well, borders in SMAC sucked in a way. They didn´t extent to the water so the AI build cities all around your islands driving me nuts. And then you could move borders by building cities close to them, which the AI often did, destroying the great place you had picked for your city.
              The UI in smac was terrible is some aspacts, the right click menyes had lots of stuff that you never used, and the stuff you did use was 2 or more menys away.

              I liked SMAC as a whole and played it probably as much as ctp 1, but bot had their problems...


              • #8
                Depp, I agree about most of what you said. Some good news about a well thought out border system too. I played SMAC recently (again) and the right click menus are not so well thought out. All in all, SMAC is boring after the first 100-150 turns... nothing new happens. CTP1 while having geeky units and several balance problems was at least inventive.

