Dave - When you get time, could you tell us a little bit about how Governments are implemented in CTP2? So far, we've heard nothing, so I've grown to assume that it'll be pretty similar to CTP1. Is this the case?
After SMAC, there's a lot of people hoping for something a little more complex than what was in CTP1.
"I'm OK. How are you? Thanks for asking, thanks for asking."
Shameless Plug: http://www.poetic-license.org
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by MidKnight Lament (edited September 27, 2000).]</font>
After SMAC, there's a lot of people hoping for something a little more complex than what was in CTP1.
"I'm OK. How are you? Thanks for asking, thanks for asking."
Shameless Plug: http://www.poetic-license.org
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by MidKnight Lament (edited September 27, 2000).]</font>