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CTP1 TGAS Completed!!!- but i need some help posting them

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  • #16
    I had the same problem Paul did. The files would not work in either PSP or the game. The size of them can't be right, either. I think that some special program you have is allowing you to view the pics, Hex, or else you are not using the exact same pics in your game as are on your site.


    • #17
      When I created the images last week, I burned a CD and downloaded them from that CD at home. Hence the files were working on my system.

      The zipped file was corrupted in some way, because when I downloaded the images this morning, I couldn't open them either. I had zipped them from my Mac computer with a program called Zipit. Zipit is supposed to be compatible with Winzip (I use it all the time to unzip Winzip files), but somehow the file format got changed.

      I have rezipped the files off of a PC with Winzip, uploaded them, redownloaded them and unzipped them now without any problem, so they should (knock on my wooden head) work.

      Please notify me if they don't.
      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


      • #18
        Hexagonian: Now I was able to take a look into your images. Two notes: The original shadows of CTP2 units is darker but the image itsself looks good. The land.tga is a 24 bit *.tga. not a 16 bit *.tga. Therefore the file has a size of 57.644 bytes.

        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


        • #19
          I had to guessimate on the shadows.

          The background was saved as a 24bit file, as this is what Photoshop defaults to. I would cut and paste the background into each tga file that I would work on, then after I was done flattening it, I would save the tga as a 16bit file.

          But I am glad somebody was able to open the files...
          Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


          • #20
            The pics look great, Hex. If you, or someone else who understands your method, would like to volunteer to convert the current Medpack beta tgas to the Ctp2 background, it would be a big help to me. I have a list of the pic numbers which still need to be converted.
            Btw, from what I can tell, the Ctp2 small pics use a different shade of background than the large pic. For the Medpack, this will not be a problem; the volunteer would simply need to shrink the large pic to the smaller sizes.

