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CTP/CTP2 AI = dumb and dumber

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  • CTP/CTP2 AI = dumb and dumber

    CTP2 AI is worse off than the CTP AI. The CTP AI didnt refuse all diplomatic proposals bye default. And they actually used to leave citys. However Both CTPs AI cant stack and dont never attack my citys. This "CTP2 AI" forum is dead because were all tired of complaining about to activision about this piece of garbage. No matter what Mods or What Patches the CTP/CTP2 ai are simply RETARDED!!

    Diplomod and Frenzy just gave them stacks and made them agree to every proposal. They still dont attack anyone with the stacks and you can practically demand all the AI Citys and recieve them

    Craptivision really made a piss poor game. I hope they go bankrupt, Tony hawk turned out to be a major bust, more than CTP2 (thats bad huh?).


    [This message has been edited by Steve5304 (edited March 19, 2001).]

  • #2

    Originally posted by Steve5304 on 03-19-2001 11:37 AM
    However Both CTPs AI cant stack and dont never attack my citys.
    [This message has been edited by Steve5304 (edited March 19, 2001).]

    "You are employing a Double Negative, Sir".
    - Spock, from original Star Trek episode#49. A Piece of the Action.

    My reach exceeds my grasp!
    My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


    • #3
      hmm who cares?

      Where all OUTRAGED over this thing


      • #4
        Don't be so negative , there is some mods that enhance AI. Try it! Personally I have abandonned ctp, too bad! I don't want to spend my valuable time to tune it.

        I fully understand your emotions...

