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  • #16
    Actually, if there was one ancient battle I'd like to model, it would be Alexander's siege of Tyre. Someday I'm going to have to figure out how to do that.

    Pick up any book on Alex and take a gander at it. Man, it will send chills down your spine.

    Oh, and if you like good movies and don't mind subtitles, check out "The Emperor and the Assassin" (at blockbuster). Its a look at the first Emperor to unify China. The battle scenes are amazing - they even show Chinese chariots. And the sieges - wow. Better yet, get ready for a story that has some neat twists!



    • #17
      Bleu, ops gone all german,Blue,

      Been toying with your idea that the romans were reluctant to bring
      hannibal to battle, the best solution i have so far is to change
      the ai force matching to a higher number than before, this would make it
      a war of manuver rather than the present aggressive combat orientated ai
      than im currently using,sicily on the other hand is going to be from east
      to west north to south from coast to coast 6 terrain tiles at their
      maximums.This gives sufficient room for manuver between Syracruse in the
      eastern province and lilybeum in the west controlled by carthage.Ive
      already implemented the new trade goods Gold/silver/Tin/Wheat/Grain
      and so on, so sicily will be important as a grain producer as well as
      its position that acts as a giant choke point between n africa
      and southern italy.

      For trickines/traps/strategems see my post about city defense you will
      see their how im getting on with my generals special abilitys,and it ties
      in nicley with what you want to see happen, remember that this guy the
      ai will not use to the extent of its abilitys that you as a player will
      so in effect you are already building in a diference of leadership
      style and abilty to the game.As his initial combat stats are low he
      wont show up as barbarian unless your playing at a really low level.And
      you can also make him specific to one country/player personaly i like
      the idea of keeping them for the main country to be be played as, you
      can then have a new set of abilitys for the 2nd choice country.

      Siege of tyre.the only thing ive done so far is to give bombard to a
      wider range of units,this means you see a lot of units going up to a city
      to conduct range fire,not really a siege but at least their adjacent
      and you can either attack out with part of garrison to chop their hit
      points down real low before going back inside leaving them looking sad
      and bewilderd or use your own missile troops back at them.

      Below is part of what Immortal and i are contemplating (taken from an email)

      In respect of a punic wars scn at this stage we should
      kick a few ideas around, as to scale Spain to greece for east west,north to south
      france to top of North afica coastal strip.using my mod as a strarting point the aim
      would be to recreate the 3 seperate wars that Carthage and Rome fought. At this
      time in history Rome also took out ilyria modern Albania,fought the greeks in s italy
      got invaded by celts and a greek guy call phyrus with yes you guessed it some
      elephants came over and created hell for a while before going to sicily to spread even
      more elephant dropings! So as a side show their would be alot going on around the
      main issue between rome/carthage.i prefer to do it a one big event rather than severall
      stand alone scns, that said if we do it as a module we can use a larger scale map
      as each module would be focused on a smaller actual playing area so a mod of the war
      in sicly would end win one side got all the citys, you go to next module with set
      a of units to fightwith if you win, set b if you lose get it so far?

      So whats your top pick modules or big picture?

      Now i hope you will join immortal and myself in this endeavor.
      If you are then i will e mail all relevant info as and when and hopefully spread
      some of the work your way to.

      Any one else reading this is also welcome, doesent matter what skills you have,
      its going to get done but if your interisted in the period and youd like to see
      something represented get in now.

      Nick Spencer AKA Hannibal Ad Portas

      IM SPARTICUS, NO IM SPARTICUS,we will cricify him over there,


      • #18
        If its done in modular scenarios, I don't see how how the outcome of one could affect the next.
        If it was done as one big scenario, it could get very complicated.
        I think to keep the chronology, one scenario could be sectioned, so that after each battle, eg. Sicily, you get a whole new set of units created elsewhere on the map, to continue with other parts of the war. The 'enemy' will also have their units created then, so that they don't have a major advantage, but also (to continue with Sicily) the Romans are given some units in southern Italy to counter-attack Sicily (Assuming Carthage won/kept it).
        This would require some SLIC, but not too difficult I hope.

        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


        • #19
          I guess I should check in more often. I'm working on a Hannibal scenario starting around 223 BC. It will in some ways be similar to the Alex scenario. Hannibal or his armies will have to conquer the parts of Spain they don't already control then move on to Rome. Barbarians will be a huge problem. They will attack your cities relentlessly and cause them to lose population. There will be places where I will have to depart from history to make it playable but I think it should end up being a fun scenario. I also have barbarian lepers that infect your cities causing unhappiness. If anyone wants to make a unit for that I'd love to use it. I don't have the software or know-how to make units. I'm nowhere near finished and it will probably be a month or two working on it part time, plus trying to help on the new Alex with that taking priority, before I have a version ready for testing. It won't hurt to have two versions of Hannibal. It will be interesting to see how they turn out.


          • #20
            In this modular concept is it fair to assume that you'd have many scenarios one leading from the last... say you have to conquer Italy before you can attempt to take out the Franks or Germans... if this is the idea, it's exactly what I was thinking about last night before sleep. I thought what about making high resolution maps of areas and having them lead one to the next... each subsequent scenario would start as if you completed the previous one.... hmmmm... I'm willing to contribute map making if this is the idea...


            • #21
              What do you need?


              • #22
                At this stage were not sure how best to implement due to this
                if there are only 4 scn each leading to a win lose result it calls for
                30 maps with set ups to suite each, this means a large file is going to
                be the result which if we put in with the new tgs for advances and units.
                for the moment a map comprising spain to greece and from n europen coast
                to n african coast, and also a map of sicily that gives a land area of approx 20x15 tiles.
                thanks for efforts on our behalf,we will of course be after further areas
                in due course.


                • #23
                  That is pretty much what I was thinking of Omni, kinda like the campaigns in AoE. If you would make some maps, both Nick (Hannibal) and I would be very grateful. Thanks very much.
                  Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                  "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis

