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Post-Apocalyptic Scenario

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  • Post-Apocalyptic Scenario

    (If someone has already announced doing somthing like this then let me know and I'll keep it to myself)
    I know its been done but I'm hoping to put enough new spin on it that someone besides be might actually be interested. So lets get down to buisness shall we. I need help with the AI so that they use scenario the right way. I have mad the map. Placed cites given units and all that stuff. I've modified unit stats and done just a tad to the advance.txt file. I've also changed the personalities the best so that the AI playes the way I would like it to. There are no new units ive just changed the existings characteristics. So all that needs to be done is AI modification and messing with files. I couldn't use SLIC even if I wanted to and I dont have time to learn. So please help poor me. If you aren thinking "jezz not another one" and are interested then I will go ahead and describe what its all about. I welcome all ideas and people who would like to help me balance this scenario. Im gonna make a little story like thing:

    Fallowing the War of Annihalition mankind was left without leadership and without hope. 75% of the world population had been distroyed and most of the remaining hade been poisioned by deadly fallout from biological and nuclear weapons. Not only did this directly kill hundreds of thousands but it polutted the air and water nearly causing the complete distiction of all life on earth. Global warming had melted the polar ice caps causing a dramtic rise in sea level, leaving the deaps of the ocean the only place where peace would abound. At one time the poplutation of earth had receaded to under 30,000 people. Fighting among the peoples would remain a constant as well as constant uprisings from small groups which have ther own asperations of power (Barbarians). One would wonder if there would ever be an end to the madness. But as faith would have it, mankind would survive this peariless time and attempted to thive on this unknown planet.

    Noone knows exactly what year it is. The most recent estimate would put the year around 2430, about 415 years after the war. Pollution had receded enough for the land to be useable resulting in the rise of several large City-States called the greeks, english, zulu, and indians. The city stated have power over all of the known world. A large landmass called the central continent. Noone knows what lies far of in the seas.

    Others amongst the population have tired of the constant fighting between the city-states and ventured the seas to try and find a new life for themselves. They all have found small islands to colonize which contain ruined cities with more advanced technologies then they could hope to have seen in thousands of years on the central contenant. Unfortunatly they can not reproduce the technologies. But if they wish to expand the only place left is the sea. So to the sea they shall go. Each one of the island nation has there own ideology and followers (sound familir). The russians value the persuit of knowledge above all thus they start with extra tech. The hebrews are religious zelots who oppose all those who do not agree with there ideology. They were the most successful in salvaging advanced military units. The chinese belive the only way to overcome the powerful city-states is to bread them into insignifigance. They start with a larger population. The americans believe in ruling society by laws and represention so as to perserve the individuals right to freedom. Now only time will tell what will become of the new world.


    Thats really the backgound I'm going for. Ide rally like to find a way for the AI to fallow my plans. Right now there are really two ways to play the game. As one of the island nations or one of the city-states in the central continent. But I designed this scenario with the island nations in mind. The city-states have none of the advanced units or buildings the island nations have and they cant build sea enginers but they do however have a fleeting advantage in the beginning of the scenario. It could provide an interesting challange. I had the hardest barbarian setting in mind when making this scenario. Right now the vitory conditions are the same as a regular game becasue I dont know how to change them. The years are the same because I'm to lazy to change them.

    Unit changes:
    No shallow whater only ships.
    Ship cost reduced by an average of 10 percent.
    Ship movement increased by a substantial amount. (but not rediculously)
    All land units except the paratrooper and leviathan can now make beach assults.
    I have reduced the production of the sea engineer to the production of a normal settler and all island nations have nano-assembly.
    Troop transp. and crawlers can now carry near to a full army (12 units)

    [This message has been edited by fatboy76 (edited February 03, 2001).]

  • #2
    To be perfectly honest, I am sure you are a good mod maker and scenario maker, but the Scenario sounds just way to corny, and standard sci fi. It does NOT sound very unique. And I mean come on, Greeks popping up 500 years from now?


    • #3
      Thats fine. I need someone to tell me the greeks are corny and I could fix it if it really is bad and I cant just explane it away. I remeber alot of the mods for civ2 being as corny as this, maybe even cornier. Its not really "sci-fi" in its truest sense. There arent and new incredibly unrealistic units. Or any new units at all. But if someone outthere has some ideas for new units then im all for it. Trust me when I tell you im not above critisizm and people mending up a scenario. So far im having fun with it. Theres alot of different ways to can approach it and if I do actually find someone who is willing to take me and my fledgling scenario under there wing then it could be even more engroseing. Just do me a favor and give it a try. It might suprise you. If you dont like it thats fine but please dont dismiss it one principle. As far as uniqness goes I've never played a scenario like this one and ive been around. I have played scenarios that have similar things about them. IF you mean unique as in now new units and stuff....maybe you dont need a bunch of new stuff to have a good scenario.

      Right now im having problems getting the AI to build sea engineers. Can someone tell me if there is a way to get the AI to do this more often when they would like to expand. It seems that eirly in the game the AI wants to stay away from sea engineers.


      • #4
        Since it looks like noone wants to help me could you atleast answer a question? I have made a scen_str.txt file to try and include messages at the start of the scenario ala alexander the great. I did this by looking at the file in the ATG folder. I didnt include all the other information in this file. Now you probably have guessed that my problem is that the messages arent comming up. Can someone give me some pointers.

        Also can I atleast send someone my mod so you can see im really not as bad at this as I sound.
        [This message has been edited by fatboy76 (edited February 03, 2001).]


        • #5
          Well, I for one am interested in any scenario, the more the merrier, no matter how corny they are. For getting the AI to build more sea engineers you'll have to change the various AI files. You say you added messages to scen_str.txt but did you actually add the code to determine when these messages should be displayed to the SLIC files? If you want people to try your scenario, you should send it to OmniGod, he can place it on his developers site for people to download.
          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


          • #6
            Not a bad idea locy of borg. there any chance you know SLIC or which AI files I would have to change? Or does anyone else out there know how to modify these files?

