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GU???.Spr Errors

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  • #31
    BlueO, i actually tried that yesterday but it didn't help. i was hoping it would but for whatever reason, it'll dump me to windows. it gets about 90% done, i can see the images of the bars at the top, the little radar and other bar thingy on the right but no main screen then **POOF**...GRXXX.spr blah blah blah...

    you lucky dog you...


    • #32
      I haven't tried the mod pack yet, but the feedback does concern me. I have been trying to plan out a mod/senario of my own. So, I would like to know, Do these weird errors happen in all other modpacks?
      Ἐí ἀñ÷ῇ ἦí ὁ ëüãïò, êáὶ ὁ ëüãïò ἦí ðñὸò ôὸí èåüí, êáὶ èåὸò ἦí ὁ ëüãïò.
      the Moderator of the World Creators


      • #33

        Originally posted by Flash on 01-11-2001 03:46 PM
        I haven't tried the mod pack yet, but the feedback does concern me. I have been trying to plan out a mod/senario of my own. So, I would like to know, Do these weird errors happen in all other modpacks?

        Yes, it happened to my modpack too. Though the error wasn't gu*.spr, it was gg*.spr. I think, the problem only exists, if your modpack uses new sprites in your scenario files. I bet the problem will go away, if you put all the new sprite files in the default ctp2data directory. Or you can do the workaround I mentioned in an earlier post.


        • #34
          Blue O,

          So, you think if the new Sprites are listed in the main game files that the mod pack shouldn't shouldn't have a problem with the save files.
          Does that mean the new sprites can only be used from the senario or does it mess up the regular game files?
          Ἐí ἀñ÷ῇ ἦí ὁ ëüãïò, êáὶ ὁ ëüãïò ἦí ðñὸò ôὸí èåüí, êáὶ èåὸò ἦí ὁ ëüãïò.
          the Moderator of the World Creators


          • #35
            This may or may not help, but:
            I have played the standard game (no modifications) 3 times. This time, I modified the map settings (more wet, more islands, etc). After playing thru year 2113, the game is nolonger playable because of GU???.Spr errors. I cannot start a new game for the same reason. I realize that I could uninstall and remove all traces of the program, then reinstall, but
            1-what is to prevent this from happening again? and
            2-after 2113 years, I sort of want to finish the game

            This may also help:
            Dx 8
            Diamond Viper 770
            SB Awe 32
            CTP2 1.1
            Emperor name greater than 6 characters.


            • #36
              anything new on this front?? I've given up momentarily on using the Med Mod II because of this problem.


              • #37
                This past weekend I upgraded to Windows ME. The reason was completely unrelated to CTP2. However, when I went back into the game last night, NO ERRORS. I make no other changes to the computer. This suggests to me that the GU???.Spr errors may be either a Windows Registry problem, or a DLL problem. I am still trying to track all of the changes the upgrade did. I will post again if I find anything.


                • #38
                  I am running WinME and I still have the problem, so I doubt that is the solution.

