I've been puzzled by a couple of unit flags, but had a vague recollection of being told about them by an Activision programmer way back when I started my Alexander scenario. I did a find command through my email box, and came up with this. I hope this helps the curious:
>> And I have no idea what IsFlanker, IsMounted and WoodenShip do
>Most units that are not flankers and not ranged can only attack a unit right in front of them in combat. A flanker can attack units in front of them as well as units to the left and right.
>A defender with BonusAgainstMounted, such as a Pikeman gets that bonus defense against any attacker with IsMounted flag set. Same thing with WoodenShip and the Fire Trireme's AttackWoodenShipBonus (but for attack not defense).
Thanks for the explanation. I already knew how flanking works, the thing that surprises me is that there needs to be an IsFlanker flag, and that simply defining the unit as a flanker doesn't do it (compare to a ranged unit- you don't need an IsRanged flag to have it act as a ranged unit). So I guess a unit could be told to act like a flanker unit, but not actually have flanker abilities in battle.
>> And I have no idea what IsFlanker, IsMounted and WoodenShip do
>Most units that are not flankers and not ranged can only attack a unit right in front of them in combat. A flanker can attack units in front of them as well as units to the left and right.
>A defender with BonusAgainstMounted, such as a Pikeman gets that bonus defense against any attacker with IsMounted flag set. Same thing with WoodenShip and the Fire Trireme's AttackWoodenShipBonus (but for attack not defense).
Thanks for the explanation. I already knew how flanking works, the thing that surprises me is that there needs to be an IsFlanker flag, and that simply defining the unit as a flanker doesn't do it (compare to a ranged unit- you don't need an IsRanged flag to have it act as a ranged unit). So I guess a unit could be told to act like a flanker unit, but not actually have flanker abilities in battle.