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  • Values

    Hey wise ones In like const.txt when the values are like .4 is that 40% or 4% .1 10% or 1%

    but then when they have like Revolution 60 or that 60% or what heh..

    Now I know you all are thinking I was the guy making out in the bushes and smoking pot in 5th grade while the rest of you learned fractions and decimals..but perhaps you will understand me better when you see this line from Const.txt ::

    CAPTURE_CITY_ADVANCE_CHANCE 0.5 # chance of gaining an advance when capturing a city (assuming they have advances you don't)

    I know for a fact I dont get advances 50% of the time I capture whassssssup with these numbers ???

    not very eloquent sorry but I hope you get my meaning

  • #2
    If I see XXX_CHANCE .4

    .4 indicates 40%
    .04 would be 4%

    I think REVOLUTION_LEVEL 60 means if your happiness drops to 60 the city will revolt (most likely it will become a barbarian city).

    I was looking a const.txt also. I hope that's the next one that gets the explanations in the mod section. I've never received an advance when capturing a city either so it may be that it just doesn't work. Hear gossip is mentioned in that file as well and I'm pretty sure that doesn't work either.


    • #3
      the problem with many of these files is that they contain a TON of leftover ctp1 flags that arent used in ctp2. from previos posts, it appears that tech can no longer be gotten from taking a city (maybe to give less incentive to catch up by force). const.txt is LOADED with such dead flags. rush factors are listed both here and in the gov.txt so i dont know if one, both or neither is correct (havent had the desire to play with that one as its just a minor annoyance).

      History is written by the victor.

