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Omni Project III ???

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  • Omni Project III ???

    I just would like to find out which would be a more desirable map.... a pacific centred map thus mid china to mid usa 90N to 90S or some portion of that... or a euro/african map or an americas map? Give me some other ideas if you want, but I would like to finish this map within a week and half... so don't make it too complex...

    Omni - idle hands in mapmaking...

  • #2
    I would like to be given a chance to create and submit a Europe and Africa map if you don't mind.

    Go ahead with the Pacific centered map - sounds like you have decided on a good portion of China and North America.

    Go for it!
    A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


    • #3

      you create maps faster than we have time to play them...

      Keep up the good work, - do pacific if Mr Fun will do Europe/Africa


      • #4
        Okay it's been decided then.. a pacific front to go with the atlantic one that I've already completed... expected completion is Dec 22 with updates starting this thursday... you think it's bad to have lots of maps coflek? you keep playing and I'll keep making... until I fail out of school



        • #5
          Plans are finalized... the next Omni map will be the Pacific Ocean 90deg to 255deg, 75N to 60S... land masses include Asia, Japan, all of Oceania, and Western North America to approx Saskatchewan. Middle 60deg is water and islands... lots of little dam islands For scale sake it's been made 220x300 similar to the atlantic scale... and since there's been no major complaints about the size, I thought it appropriate... (need to find a fix for the road problem with AI though) To picture that, Japan's main island it fits in an area 20x20... so probably 200 tiles for the island... enough room for a civ to start... updates will begin tonight, but don't expect too much... this is the infancy and I have a test

          Omni - anyone want to take an ophthalmic optics test?


          • #6
            Omni, a Mediterranean map would be very nice.


            • #7
              There are 2 mediterranean maps already produced... and I don't see anything wrong, other than small... it's not a priority since others have already completed it... if you'd like it and haven't visited my site... it's there and a few others...

              Omni - thanks for the idea though

