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  • Error

    I have modified some of the units in their attack and defense stats, in others I modified their obsolete or enable advance and in other units I modified or added bombardment ability.

    When I start my game, it fails to start, and I get an error message that says -
    units.txt: 3239: Expected struct

    What does this mean? I went to the units text file and looked over my modifications and corrected one error but I'm still not allowed to start CTP II.

    Thanks for any help.
    A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.

  • #2

    Originally posted by MrFun on 11-29-2000 05:18 PM
    When I start my game, it fails to start, and I get an error message that says -
    units.txt: 3239: Expected struct

    Well, whatever the problem is, it's within a few lines of line # 3239. Why don't you copy and paste the 5 or so lines leading up to the line number. You're probably missing a "{" though.



    • #3
      You want me to count down to 3,329 lines!?

      I wish there was a way to know WHERE line #3239 is!
      A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


      • #4

        Originally posted by MrFun on 11-29-2000 08:50 PM
        You want me to count down to 3,329 lines!?

        I wish there was a way to know WHERE line #3239 is!

        What are you using as a text editor? Every text editor I use has a line counter in the bottom right hand corner, and even has a "goto line" function. If yours doesn't have this, I'd recommend downloading a shareware one that does. Because yes, counting would be painful.



        • #5
          Hooray! I found my error (without counting thousands of lines)!

          I was missing one little bracket in the Abolition unit for my modifications. Now I can PLAY!
          A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.

