I came up with a new advance that I plan on adding to my modified tech tree. Below is the text for this new advance. But I have a question - is it possible to create an advance that ONLY provides a temporary bonus with nothing else? Thanks for any thoughts or help.
Federalism (Modern era advance)
Prequisite: Industrial Revolution and Railroad
Gives a temporary benefit/bonus - for the next 20 turns, railroads cost nothing to put down on terrain tiles except for mountains, jungle, glacier and tundra. Plus, Farms can be placed at half of the cost for the next 20 turns.
Gameplay text: With a stronger federal government for any type of government you actually have, you are able to develop a nation-wide transit system much more efficiently and with new homestead policies, encourage mass migration of farmers to frontier areas. Thus, railroads are placed for free on most types of terrain, and farm improvements are more rapidly (cheaper) to develop.
Historial text: With the end of the Civil War in the United States in 1865, the nation was changed forever - the nation that existed at the outbreak of the Civil War no longer existed. Now, a stronger federal government was established and would attempt to enforce Reconstruction policies in the destitute South for the benefit of poor whites and freed slaves. Unfortunately, in the end, Reconstruction failed because of political terror carried out by some Southern Democratic racists and because of corruption from some Northern Republican leaders.
Yet, in spite of Reconstruction's failure and leaving the bleeding, bruised black person at the mercy of the "new" South, the federal government would forever remain the victor from the Civil War. With its increased power, it would enact far-reaching policies that encouraged settlement of farmers in the midwest and create a transcontinental railroad system.
Note: Thanks for anyone who has an answer to the question at the top.
Federalism (Modern era advance)
Prequisite: Industrial Revolution and Railroad
Gives a temporary benefit/bonus - for the next 20 turns, railroads cost nothing to put down on terrain tiles except for mountains, jungle, glacier and tundra. Plus, Farms can be placed at half of the cost for the next 20 turns.
Gameplay text: With a stronger federal government for any type of government you actually have, you are able to develop a nation-wide transit system much more efficiently and with new homestead policies, encourage mass migration of farmers to frontier areas. Thus, railroads are placed for free on most types of terrain, and farm improvements are more rapidly (cheaper) to develop.
Historial text: With the end of the Civil War in the United States in 1865, the nation was changed forever - the nation that existed at the outbreak of the Civil War no longer existed. Now, a stronger federal government was established and would attempt to enforce Reconstruction policies in the destitute South for the benefit of poor whites and freed slaves. Unfortunately, in the end, Reconstruction failed because of political terror carried out by some Southern Democratic racists and because of corruption from some Northern Republican leaders.
Yet, in spite of Reconstruction's failure and leaving the bleeding, bruised black person at the mercy of the "new" South, the federal government would forever remain the victor from the Civil War. With its increased power, it would enact far-reaching policies that encouraged settlement of farmers in the midwest and create a transcontinental railroad system.
Note: Thanks for anyone who has an answer to the question at the top.