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New 8 Player tournament

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  • #91
    007: I just got a message from Yohann
    his mail account might have been down temporarly so I would suggest you email him again.

    For thoose of you who didn't notice I have updated my website. You can now sign up. It even has a forum .
    it's address is still


    • #92
      ok, got ya
      hopfuly this weekend we will finish



      • #93
        Yohanan mail still doesn't answer
        What should i do?


        • #94
          ok we will give Yohann until this Thursday
          then if he doesn't reply Tal will replace him


          • #95
            TAL is too tuff for the first round.
            He is ranked in top 5 in game league.
            Is there anybody else for me to meet in the first round?


            • #96
              Unfortantly no
              Besides 007 the idea was to put the best against the worst to get the most accurate ladder.
              not saying Tal is the best and you are the worst or anything
              [This message has been edited by Shavlor (edited July 14, 2000).]


              • #97
                Ok a couple new things

                First I beat trainwreck again meaning I will play Josip Broz Tito and Trainwreck with play Kostas.

                Second: Tal and oo7 you have until next monday to determine a winner. If you fail to play by then, then oo7 will be anounced the winner (unless he fails to try to play his match). I am doing this since this is the only match still on the first round. I want you only to play one match (unless you find time before next monday). I am sorry to hurry you I realize that this match was just set up but we really need this tournament to move. I am sending both of you emails so you will not have the excuse of "I didn't hear about it". If one of you doesn't reply by next Monday you will be replaced (again I am sorry but I want to move this tournament)

                3rd: All those who can play against their opponet please do so ASAP

                Lastly I apologizes to all those who have to wait just to play their next opponet this is mainly my fault for not oragnizing this better.


                • #98
                  Tal and 007 have played and Tal emerged the victor. These means that all the first round matches are done. I will set up a due time for the second round matchs when I get home.


                  • #99
                    Ok this tournament once again has ground to a halt.
                    In responce to this I am setting a due date on second round CTP matches that due date is set for two weeks. meaning two wensdays from now all the second round CTP matches are ended and winners choosen if they haven't finished yet.


                    • Tal played H once and won

                      the game is availible to download on my site go and get it.

                      BTW: Tal how the hell did you get that many cannons by the year 400AD? very good playing on both sides.


                      • Ok Minor Threat played Sir Gar and emmerged the victor. Geez MinorThreat did you have to wait so long to kill him?
                        The deadline for 2nd round matches is coming up fast so if you haven't played please do so.


                        • Ok the secord round matches are closed
                          the winners are

                          Shavlor vs. Trainwreck --> Shavlor
                          Aaginor vs. Tom Red --> Aaginor (by default)
                          Josip Broz Tito vs. Kostas --> Josip
                          Sophix vs. Swissy --> Sophix
                          H vs. Tal --> H
                          Don vs. 007 : (Undecided as of yet)
                          DragonLance vs. Aristodemo --> Dragonlance (only one game played)
                          Minor Threat vs. SirGar --> Minor Threat

                          If anyone has any problems please either email me or post here
                          The third round matches are going to be
                          Shavlor vs Josip
                          Aaginor vs Sophix
                          TomRed vs Swissy
                          Trainwreck vs Kostas
                          Don (will post later)
                          H vs Dragonlance
                          007 (will post later)
                          Tal vs Aristodemo (Aristrodemo can't play for a while)
                          Sir Gar (will post later)
                          Minor Threat (will post later)


                          • Ok Don wins by default

                            so the last games are
                            Don vs. Minor Threat
                            007 vs. Sir Gar (007's computer was down)
                            These 3rd round games are due Sep 15th Wednsday
                            Good Luck

