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TEAM PBEM readme

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  • TEAM PBEM readme

    To all PBEM teams,

    This info has been sent to you via email too, Your email file includes email addresses for all players.


    I am notifying everyone in this game of a discrepency you may have noticed while playtesting.

    I ran some tests with the PBEM setup. I ran a 4 player game for 2 turns. On the first turn, the first player had a production bonus to build Granary/City Wall in one turn in all cities. I left one city productionless and I allowed one city to produce a Granary on the first turn.

    On the second turn, the bonus was removed for all cities in the first civ. No other player had this bonus.

    In hotseat, the first civ has an ongoing opportunity to buy Granary/City Wall in one turn.

    I forwarded this info to Soph (the mod creator) - he is aware of the problem and hopefully will fix it.

    Note: The problem has been fixed - the corrected file can be downloaded from Soph's website. You do not need this file to be in the game - since I am the host, the file correction eliminated the bonus for the first player - The replaced fuile is the Improve.txt file in the gamedata folder (Directory path is Activision\Civilization - Call to Power\scenarios\quicker\scen0000\default\gamedata) .

    * Difficulty - Deity (for AI purposes)
    * Barbarians - Restless Tribes
    * World Size - Huge
    * World Shape - Doughnut - (non-negotiable)
    * Rules - Bloodlust (Off) - Pollution (On)
    * Wet - all the way to the left (Wet) - (non-negotiable)
    * Warm - 4 clicks to to the left of center (toward Warmest)
    * Ocean - in the middle
    * Island - all the way to the left (Islands) - (non-negotiable)
    * Diverse goods - all the way to the right (Diverse)
    * Goods - Center

    These settings allow for lots of rivers. In playtesing, everyone got one. (Can't promise it will do that in every case)

    The teams are as follows

    TEAM 1
    1. Phil - Hebrews/Phil
    2. Hex - Assyrians/Sargon
    Playing time: 12:00 Noon - 11 PM CST

    TEAM 2
    3. Rowick - Spanish/Rowick
    4. Kremen - Vikings/Kremen
    Playing time: 12 Midnight - 10 AM CST (+14-17 hrs)

    TEAM 3
    5. Sotiris - Greeks/Alexander the Great (+8 hrs)
    6. MARK - Irish/Gona Mckilya
    Playing time: 11:00AM - 7 PM CST

    TEAM 4
    7. DON - Canadians/Valve
    8. Lung - ????? (+14-17 hrs)
    Playing time: 8PM - 11AM CST

    Discuss the schedule with your teamamte in terms of who will play first or second for your team. Take into account the time you can play your turn - try not to leave your teammate with a short period of time to play.

    We have a choice of two settings for turns. Please send me your preferences by Wednesday, November 24 - 3:00PM CST. Otherwise, I will choose one myself.

    Option A (3 1/3 days per turn)
    1. TEAM 1 - Hex - 4PM - 11PM CST
    2. TEAM 2 - Rowick - 12 Midnight - 8AM CST
    3. TEAM 3 - MARK - 8AM - 4PM CST
    4. TEAM 4 - DON - 4PM - 12 Midnight CST
    5. TEAM 1 - Phil - 12 Noon - 8PM CST
    6. TEAM 2 - Kremen - 12 Midnight - 8AM CST
    7. TEAM 3 - Sotiris - 8AM - 4PM CST
    8. TEAM 4 - Lung - 12 Midnight - 8AM CST

    Option B (2 days per turn)
    TEAM 1 - 1,2 - 12 Noon - 10PM CST
    TEAM 2 - 3,4 - 12 Midnight - 8AM CST
    TEAM 3 - 5,6 - 8AM - 4PM CST
    TEAM 4 - 7,8 - 4 PM - 10AM CST

    Option A is probably more fair to everyone - as it will allow a player who is getting beat up by a team to reinforce/counterattack and avoid the dreaded 1-2 punch from a team, and it will prevent a team from having such a large monopoly on Wonder building. (Initiative is everything) but it will take longer to do an entire turn.

    Option B might be better from a schedule standpoint - it will probably be easier to have your teammate fill in for you if he is expecting his turn that particular day, and turn turaround is about 2 - 2 1/2 days per turn.

    Unfortunately, this is about the quickest that this game can go, as schedules prevent otherwise. Please realize that some of us are tied to a schedule (I have a 1-1/2 window to play on M,W due to other committments - I have a 5 hour window at night to play on T,Th, Fr - weekends are somewhat unpredictable, but for the most part I can get my turns done - and I cannot play at work as I use a MAC there)

    As for turns, please have your game file in the next team's hands by the end of your slot time. Email can get hung up in cyberspace. That is why I have allotted a large slot of time for each team/player. The schedule is a guide for all players so they can expect their file at a certain time. I realize that there will be times, due to unexpected events, that the game will get hung up for one reason or another. With a team format, you now have the flexibility to have someone (other than the dreaded AI) run your turn. There shouldn't be too many times where the AI will be attached to a player in this game. That is why you need to be in contact with your teammate and even the player before you - especially if you expect to have to fill some other committment - so the game will go smoothly. I could drop the setting to Chieftain, you know...

    For those of you not familiar to PBEM, here's a quick lesson.
    As the host, I will be setting up the game. Your turn will be attached to an email file. Download the file to your computer. You do not have to have the CD in your drive to play - (as long as you have the game on your system). Simply click on the file to activate the game. Play your turn. The file will automatically be created on your desktop. Do not click it open, as you will see the next player's turn. Send an email to the next person with the new game file attached. Wait impatiently for your next turn and curse at the person who is holding up the game.

    Please save the previous 2 turns that have been sent to you and that you are sending to the next player in case or an email problem or if you have to attach the AI to a file.

    Attaching AI to a player
    1. hit the ' key
    2. type in /attach# (# refers to the number of the player who need the AI to take over)
    3. hit the enter key twice
    4. Note that the meassage screen will prompt you to send the game to the person after the player who has the AI attached to his game

    Detaching AI from a player
    1. hit the ' key
    2. type in /detach# (# refers to the number of the player who need the AI to take over)
    3. hit the enter key twice

    You know that there were going to be some... (Rules 1,3,4, 6 are non-negotiable)

    1. You cannot gift/exchange Advances with your teammate EXCEPT ON TURN 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500. This is because of the following:
    - It will effectively double the Science rate of the game.
    - A team that is able to link up first (remember - you have to have contact with a civ in order to do so) will have a HUGE advantage. Think of this, not from the viewpoint of if your civ is close to each other, but if you are unlucky enough to be on the other side of the map from your teammate. I have no control over where civs are in relation to each other, so this rule is in effect to try to balance the game for everyone.
    You also cannot abuse this rule by gifting/exchanging Advances with another team either.

    2. You can however, gift gold and gift/exchange maps with anyone.

    3. Game files can be emailed to a teammate to look at - however, a teammate cannot move any units unless he is playing that turn for his teammate.

    4. On the subject of turns, once you move a unit during your turn, you must not restart your turn. So be careful, there are no takebacks in this game. The only exception is if the game crashes.

    5. email contact with other teams is allowed, but you cannot give them directions as to your location on the map. Once contact is made in the game, you can plot to your heart's content.

    6. Work with your teammate and respect that he might have a different philosophy concerning how to play the game. Watch your teammate, you may learn something from him. Be willing to see the game from a different viewpoint. I have no control over how you will work with a teammate, but keep an open mind.

    These rules are all going to have to be done on the basis of trust -

    I know for some of you, turn posting on Apolyton is a hassle, and might even be difficult at times. I will have a thread for the game there, where you can taunt your opponents, tell tall tales about your civ and generally make a pest of yourself. It's not required to post your turn there, but it will allow all of us to track the game. (I will be tracking the game during work hours) A teammate can post for you.


    This should cover it all

    I am asking that you read this over and email to me to indicate that you have done so and that all the email accounts are correct.. The game won't start until every team does so. Save a copy for reference - but these rules will be posted on Apolyton in the game thread.

    At this point, 6 people have the Scenarios up and running. I'm still waiting for Kremen and for Lung. We need those up and running too, before starting.

    I think this will be a blast - and I hope you do too!

    So I'll shut up for now...
    [This message has been edited by hexagonian (edited November 21, 1999).]
    [This message has been edited by hexagonian (edited November 22, 1999).]
    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner

  • #2
    just curious, so have we started?

