Turn sent
Dont worry Birdman. Maya are getting there act together. We thank you for your kind gifts of medicine. We have sent a large gold payment in tribute to your noble gift. Well that is one thing the Maya have. Our former leaders apparently knew alot about how to stockpile gold .Trust me Birdman I have lots of gold here, there is 50X more of that gold where it came from .
So you want to continue sending those advances
Dont worry Birdman. Maya are getting there act together. We thank you for your kind gifts of medicine. We have sent a large gold payment in tribute to your noble gift. Well that is one thing the Maya have. Our former leaders apparently knew alot about how to stockpile gold .Trust me Birdman I have lots of gold here, there is 50X more of that gold where it came from .
So you want to continue sending those advances