Dugrik, you can adjust your settings in the control panel (at the top left) to the 'light' version of the forums, where you don't get many of the frills. I've heard that it significantly cuts down the loading time.
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Youngbloods Gathering Part II
Turn to cager
Seroius help is needed. Greece is falling behind the times (technologically). if things do not shape up, we will be of no use and insignificant. Tho I love my viking brethren and will go through the fire with them, I am begging for seroius help. This is a time of great need for Greece. 420, while we can offer you no worthwhile gifts. We do offer our staunch loyalty and in a game like CTP, that may be a valuable asset later in the game. All we ask is for you to provide us with scientific assistance.
Our nation is in dire problems. We have no rivers on are starting points and 2/3 of our land is desert. This is why greece is in desperate need of help and fast.
May Zues let us prosper!
Keygen asked for people to sub for 420 in this and two other games, and it looks like I'll be subbing him here.
My email adress is rubbduck@mailandnews.com
(Waiting for confirmation by keygen)
TURN SENT TO RUBBDUCK“The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
Or do we?