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Demos PBEM Part IV

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  • #46
    Aww thanks guys...!

    Thanks especially to Demos for setting it up and Sophix for the Semi Acc Startup Mod, Also to Rick for taking over the hapless Assyrians and Jon, the Inca thorn in my side - thanks also for hanging in there even when the result became beyond doubt!

    Yes there were several major turning points in that game! Probably my favourite moment was gatecrashing the secret 'Pariah Summit' thanks to help from an unexpected source!!!

    After that I was left to my own devices in a relatively bloodless game (I'm betting that an average single turn lately in Swissy2 has accounted for more death and destruction than occurred in the entire Demos game!)

    Thanks for the game guys and see you on the forums!

    Caligula (deceased)
    Illuminatus Prime


    However, Demosthenes the Unready, thats a little cheeky, even if I didn't win.

    Is that what the game called you!!? I would never say such a thing!
    [This message has been edited by MOBIUS (edited April 30, 2001).]
    [This message has been edited by MOBIUS (edited April 30, 2001).]
    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


    • #47

      Congratulations indeed, Mobius!

      For those Apolytoners who read the posts, but aren't in this game, the extent of Mobius' achievement may not be apparent. We all started out with an even power ranking, but Mobius quickly shot ahead of everyone. Now, at game's end, he has a power ranking that must be at least ten times that of his nearest competitor!!

      So well done, Mobius!

