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Youngbloods Gathering Part I

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  • #31
    Either you've got a wrong email address or your email service or email client has a problem sending emails.
    My default email address is "".
    By puting my address in the cc field is the correct way.

    As I see that Phoenixcager has problems receiving email from you and as I haven't received any then maybe you should consider to change your email service or your email client program.

    BTW, Phoenixcager won't be able to play for a few days so send any turn to me.

    [This message has been edited by Keygen (edited March 06, 2001).]


    • #32
      Don't ask me why but I think I was sending the cc's to blackice. Again, don't ask why lol


      • #33
        turn 3 sent


        • #34
          Somehow ,The same turn 3 came back my way.:Confused: who got the turn?

          Keygan you have taken over for Pheoinix cager so i send turns to you now


          • #35
            Finally I got my turn!

            Turn 3 -> Yeti


            • #36
              Keygen, what is going on?

              This is the first time I play turn 3, how could Steve5304 send turn 3 to you, next you play the phoenix turn 4 and then send 4 to Blackice?

              The previous message from 420 was Fr 2 March, sending me turn 2, today I have his last message with turn 3!

              So I send 3 to Yeti and him to Steve5304, now Steve have the turn 3 that he should play, not 4 as he is waiting!

              [sounds cheating to me ]


              • #37
                I take a review on the posting order and found that phoenix on March 4 wanted the turn again from Steve, and Steve send turn 3 not the 2.

                Steve please bring some ligth to these forum

                [This message has been edited by berXpert (edited March 07, 2001).]


                • #38
                  berXpert, you had sent me turn 0 at 27/2/2001, turn 1 at 1/3/2001, turn 2 at 3/3/2001 and turn 3 at 7/3/2001.
                  Maybe you got confused and started counting form turn 1 and not 0 and as 4 turns has totaly played so far you thought that the last turn should be turn 4 .


                  • #39
                    Ok here is the scoup, I just received turn three again. So I suggest if Phoenixcager has turn four play it and send turn four to me to get us on track again. Phoenixcager you should have recieved turn four, I have saved every turn thus far and have no record of turn 4 but I do have turn three, twice now. So Phoenixcager if you do not have turn four Steve5304 please send it to him. If you do not have turn four Steve5304 replay your turn 3 and send Phoenixcager turn four. My "sent email record" shows turns 0,1,2,3, have been sent to 420. So does my saved turns.

                    Confused heh Steve's turn ends the turn, the sequence changes to the next number, ie: steve plays three that ends turn three, Steve now has turn four to send to Phoenixcager. Okie dokie.
                    Waiting for turn 4...

                    [This message has been edited by blackice (edited March 07, 2001).]
                    “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                    Or do we?


                    • #40
                      Yes, Steve change the turn so he send turn 3 to phoenixcager when he had the 2.

                      Ok, I got confused for the expression he used: "The same turn 3 came back my way", so I was thinking that there was 2 turns on the way, sorry

                      Now I expect to get from 420:
                      CTP Email To berxpert@yahoo[1] (Turn 4).csg

                      BTW: Blackice how do you get turn 3 twice? phoenixcager send it?


                      • #41
                        Keygen sent it to me.
                        “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                        Or do we?


                        • #42
                          I have delivered turn 3 from Steve, played it and send it to Blackice.
                          Due to luck of postings I supposed that nobody had played turn 3 until I found this post from 420 that turn 3 was sent!?!


                          • #43
                            Hi all, I'm back, so you can start mailing my turns to me again.

                            I don't think problems I had with my mail account earlier are permanent. If the problems happen again, I'll switch accounts. I can see that there has already been enough confusion in this game


                            • #44
                              umm should i send my turn? i recieved and played it but was unable to send last nite, will send it at approx 1730 CST to steve.

                              Turn sent, cc to Keygan, (correct email address this time) let me know if you got it ok, k? tnx

                              [This message has been edited by Yeti (edited March 09, 2001).]


                              • #45
                                Turn 4 to PheonixCager......I know that,There was a confusion between the 2 youngblood games, And somehow i was sent a turn from there.However nobody said sub for them, So i simply sent it back and figured out it was a dumb mistake. Grrr Apolyton put that damn E-Bay ad That wont stop Popping up.

