Sorry Birdman... I don't understand. What is MS$? MicroSoft?
No announcement yet.
POLL 16: How long does a PBEM game take?
Common guys! CTP gained PBEM only after Patch 1.2 was realesed and that was some months after the game was realesed (4-5 months). CTP has realesed Patch 1.11. From the patch number you can easily predict that a major patch is about to be realesed, maybe 1.2 as in CTP. It will probably include PBEM as well. They knew that it was not so crusial to be included on the original realese. Probably thinking of improving it first, maybe include some new features like passwords or what ever.
CTP2 might not have the fealing of the first CTP but it's not bad... for a newer player. And if they improve it in some areas it might get even better than CTP. But I doubt they will manage to do so. So better waiting for CivIII for the big bang.
Craptivision, Crapavision hahaha, so funny!!!
I wonder who figured out this name? Maybe the Activisioners themselves
Yes Birdman, I agree.
Kind of unbelievable, really, that Activision would just abandon it like that. I thought they had plenty of resources to support ALL their products (even the ones that aren't so popular). Any big company worth it's salt ALWAYS supports ALL the products it releases (at least for a couple of years, anyway). Activision pretty much said, "Ehhh, the sales weren't so good on that CtP2, and there's a lot of people complaining.... hmmm... let's just abandon it...". Unbelievable! I could see a "Mom and Pop" company doing that but not the multi-billion dollar "Activision"!
[This message has been edited by quinns (edited January 22, 2001).]
CTP1: How long does a PBEM game take?
0-2 Months 1 / 3%
2-5 Months 5 / 16%
5-8 Months 3 / 10%
8-12 Months 1 / 3%
Over 12 months 20 / 66%
Total Votes: 30
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[This message has been edited by MarkG (edited January 28, 2001).]