I will post to the Group but I think it safe to assume that it will be a no from both. If it isn't I think you can regard the rest of us to be in a battle for second place for Klair is awesome and, as far as I can see, near enough untouchable. The PG does not count for much in terms of small gaps but when you are doing well, as I think I am in DC, and someone is still over twice your ranking that really does hit home!
A damn good Game would be seen with her and Mobius, definitly the two best Players I have ever encountered, though the evil devils would probably just ally and grind everyone else into dust in nought seconds flat!
A damn good Game would be seen with her and Mobius, definitly the two best Players I have ever encountered, though the evil devils would probably just ally and grind everyone else into dust in nought seconds flat!