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Turn 59 - 1680 BC

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  • Turn 59 - 1680 BC

    The home situation
    Attached Files

  • #2
    The scout
    Attached Files


    • #3
      If the Horde is going to declare war, I imagine they'll proceed 6-9 with the scout to find out if they can see any units in range.

      They won't be able to see anything on the tile 9 of Foxtrot, though, so I don't think they'll be able to be 100% sure of the fact that the axe is our only defense should they press immediately. Under the circumstances, an attack would be a risky move... but given how they've grouped their 3 archers together I don't have much hope for peace.


      • #4
        Just opened the save... Our axeman is dead. One Horde archer now stands in its place on the hill next to Foxtrot. They will raze it next turn. Nothing much we can do about it.


        • #5
          With the save:

          Here is the save. We hope your war goes well.

          You most probably have us as an ally against the horde, but I have to get the consensus of the team to make it official.

          Have a good turn!

          - Ff -


          • #6
            Looking at the combat log, it seems our axe took out 2 Horde Archers (Ct. Maki and Khan's Silence Follows) before being killed by the third (Ct FeMme). That's a trade of 35 shields for 50, not bad at all. Too bad Foxtrot is now left open for it. :/


            • #7
              Also, our scout was killed by the barbarian warrior.

              Here's a pic of the map:
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Unitarily, I believe we need to decide whether to line up to take on the Horde archer with the spearman. The Horde archer is at full strength and has Combat I and Drill I promotions, and the spear would be attacking across a river.

                City-wise, Fort Sierra needs to start another axe. Also, we can speed up AB's axe build (2 turns instead of 3) by sacrificing the 6 food from the pig and putting that citizen on the plains hill.


                • #9
                  I just tested it in Worldbuilder, and our spear would have a 27.7% chance according to the combat calculator. Not good odds. We still might want to move it south to hold the archer at bay, but I don't think we'll want to attack with it.


                  • #10
                    Looks like we'll need to wait for backup from the axe.


                    • #11
                      Assuming they let us. I imagine they'll either move the archer forward into forest, or retreat.

                      Thinking it over, I think putting the spear 7 of Froxtrot and the axe 8 of it may be our best course of action. Only thing is, this forces them west if they don't retreat, which leads to the unprotected worker. I think we should be able to cover it with the axe currently in FS, though.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kloreep
                        Assuming they let us. I imagine they'll either move the archer forward into forest, or retreat.

                        Thinking it over, I think putting the spear 7 of Froxtrot and the axe 8 of it may be our best course of action. Only thing is, this forces them west if they don't retreat, which leads to the unprotected worker. I think we should be able to cover it with the axe currently in FS, though.
                        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                        You're wierd. - Krill

                        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                        • #13
                          I just tested out moving around enemy territory with scouts in Worldbuilder. They CAN'T pillage, but CAN deny a tile (prevent a city from working it.)

                          So, proposed move set:

                          -Spear 2
                          -Axe by spear 2
                          -Axe in FS 4-1 (prevent the Horde from denying FS the hammers from the copper mine)
                          -Axe by AB 2
                          -FS build to axeman
                          -AB citizen on the pigs switch to the plains hill for a faster axe.

                          I'd suggest we wait for further comments, I can play the save tomorrow afternoon before we go over the limit.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Kloreep
                            City-wise, Fort Sierra needs to start another axe. Also, we can speed up AB's axe build (2 turns instead of 3) by sacrificing the 6 food from the pig and putting that citizen on the plains hill.
                            I disagree with pulling off the barracks. We're safe for the immediate future and will need the barracks to compete with their aggressive axes.
                            One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                            You're wierd. - Krill

                            An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                            • #15
                              All right. I agree we should be pretty safe, the Horde just doesn't have the production to produce that many archers (especially if they've already spent hammers on a barracks) and they have a settler (hopefully, for them, a new city soon) to protect in addition to their capital.

                              So, FS stays on barracks.

