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UnO plays Game 1. Spoilers ahoy.

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  • UnO plays Game 1. Spoilers ahoy.

    Game 1. Yep. Game 2's paradise of a starting locale told me there must be something wrong with it. I won't even pretend this is the best way to go about things.

    The Start: Moved setler east, off the forest. Hm...this is going to be a 'fun' general area...

    Random exploring...

    Hey, I get lucky!

    Chop war-war-settler. Each warrior sent in either direction W and E, as I know barbs can't come from north or south. Perfectly safe for my settler, city, and worker.

    After that, chopped a second worker, then...the pyramids. The second city was founded 1-1-1 of the capitol on tundra. 2 fish and a copper in radius though. Second city poprushed a boat and then built a settler while working fish and copper.

    Meanwhile my scout died to the east, but not after figuring we're either alone, or have a vast jungle seperating us from neighbors there.

    Third city was built to the NW of city two and incorporated a cow and a wheat in it's radius. Once the 2 workers had chopped enough forrest to assure my getting the pyramids, they moved over here and began chopping towards the Oracle.

    Followed quickly by

    Which was used to grab metal casting. Yes, the 'smart' person would go for the ole slingshot, but the more it becomes the norm, the more I resist using it.

    Now we're cookin! Found whatever from CoL, switch to representation, get those libraries up, cottages everywhere. Hammers are going to be rather sparse in the surrounding area, hence a plan to build LOTS of cottages, use of representation's research bonus, low research percent, followed by periods of switching to be able to cash rush.

    Finally, before quitting this morning:

    Researching math for aqueducts, then going for astronomy to go meet folks. Massive settler spawning planned to colonize the east shortly.
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

  • #2
    Impressive. Getting both Pyramids & Oracle.

    What is your research order after popping BW, UnO ?

    there are 2 pictures that did not come out. #3 and #5.

    I noticed slight difference in our plays,
    1. You certainly chopped more forest than me. I tend to chop forest on a Grassland, or Grassland hill and kept the Plain forest.
    2. You have adopted slavery early and pop-rushed the Fishing boat. On the other hand, I max-ed production to build the Fishing boat.
    C3C ISDG Final Round : Actively Lurking


    • #3
      Short term after BW was wheel and animal husbandry, or vice versa. IIRC it then went fishing, pottery, masonry, followed by mysticism, the budhism tech (sorry) and priesthood or whatever for Oracle.

      Normally I would not chop so much either, but with the pyramids enabling cash rushing, hammers are devalued. A LOT.

      The poprushing the boat was all about getting a settler sooner.

      Haven't had a chance to play more yet.
      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
      You're wierd. - Krill

      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


      • #4

        I played this save. Didn't read Unortho's spoilers. Still haven't, but I wanted to post about my problem and get some advise from some of you who are clearly better at this game than me.

        I discovered I was alone very early in this save and expanded quickly to 8 cities, thinking that the cottages and future tech would help me support 'em all.

        It didn't. I went down to 0% science, continued to lose money. I built units (no buildings to build that made sense, and worried about building upkeep) which didn't help. Even turned a couple cities into research for production. Got money by sacking a barb town only to find that the 9th town gave me even more negative income.

        Fell horridly behind the 2 civs I had contact with. Quit game.

        How many freakin' cities can I support? I constantly get KILLED in this game when I find myself with tons of land to expand into. It's Civ3's influence over me. I expand and expand .... :/

        Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
        Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
        Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
        Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


        • #5
          Still got a little Civ III mindset going it looks like.

          First, expand only when you can support. Key techs are Pottery, you have to build and work those cottages though, c(ottages don't pay off immediately, but after 20 or so turns they grow a few) and Code of Laws for Courthouses to increase your ability to support.

          Second, there is a second means of research: via specialists. Get Libraries ASAP, and get 2 specialists in each city if you're struggling with cash and support. You'll also get Great Scientists this way, which only increase beaker output even more.

          Third, there is no building upkeep. So, uh...yeah...

          At this level, your 3rd city will start costing you noticable upkeep. The key is to get those 3 cities big, working many cottages before expanding.

          This is a very ****ty starting locale for someone new to the difficulty level.
          One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
          You're wierd. - Krill

          An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


          • #6
            Anyway, played some more over the weekend, and am thinking of quitting for other reasons than Togas here. Will get picks later.

            Expanded east a little, found Cathy and Liz had settled in the northern Jungle. No matter.

            Got Hanging Gardens and whatever gives +1 happy folks. Probably a few I'm forgetting. Found an island to the west, first to Astronomy, settled it before trading. Ran Pacifism to really crank out some scientists, which really kicked my research in gear, about 1/2 joined, 5 cities with the building thingy, and a couple rushed techs.

            Cathy declared war on me, having payed little attention to my military, can't blame her. Switched to the cash rush govt, and swiftly built military and took 3/4 of her jungle cities (grenadiers vs longbows...) netting me spice or something and horses. These three focused on hammer production in prep of needing to build SS parts.

            Completed Taj Mahal, used the GA to complete the Kremlin, soon to complete Statue of Liberty. Need to attack cathy and liz to gain coal, other than that, it's in the bag. Cathy is #1 in points, but I'm leading her big time in tech. With the Kremlin, should be no problem beating folks to a space race, though with the cottage focus and 2 founded religions, cultural win is also possible.
            One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
            You're wierd. - Krill

            An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

