I asked Snoopy what could / could not tell:
All except the last is common knowledge. Teams without knowing you don't know who got the GE.
If you adopt the religion as your own, then all three are common knowledge.
3 Wonders
=> The fact the 3 wonders were built by the same team
=> The fact that team was Alpha Centauri
=> The fact the 3 wonders were build in the same city
=> The fact that city is our capital
None of those pieces of information are common knowledge. Teams that do not know you will not see any of this. Unfortunately, "top 5" cities does not rely on wonders anymore IIRC, but only on culture, so that may be a bit off... but you can check next turn I suppose to see if it does happen
I'd say you can talk about the first two things fine (with the one restriction above). The wonders you'll probably have to leave out unless/until they show up in top 5 cities (which they may soon
). I may suggest to UnO that he notice that several wonders were built in a flurry of amazing production or something like that
It makes quite a difference for writing something if our capital shows up in the top-5 list or not.
Hello Snoopy,
We would like to contribute some text to Uno's Apolytonian about our 3 wonders, our religion and our great person.
Now, I don't know exactly what is considered common knowledge ? Could you please tell us what we can and cannot say ?
Great Person
=> The fact a great person was born
=> The fact it was a great engineer
=> The fact it was Homeros
=> The fact he was born in team Alpha Centauri
We would like to contribute some text to Uno's Apolytonian about our 3 wonders, our religion and our great person.
Now, I don't know exactly what is considered common knowledge ? Could you please tell us what we can and cannot say ?
Great Person
=> The fact a great person was born
=> The fact it was a great engineer
=> The fact it was Homeros
=> The fact he was born in team Alpha Centauri
=> The fact Judaism has been founded
=> The fact Judaism was founded by Alpha Centauri
=> The fact we'll call it Yangism
=> The fact Judaism has been founded
=> The fact Judaism was founded by Alpha Centauri
=> The fact we'll call it Yangism
3 Wonders
=> The fact the 3 wonders were built by the same team
=> The fact that team was Alpha Centauri
=> The fact the 3 wonders were build in the same city
=> The fact that city is our capital

For the last point, I know this is not yet known for sure for the other teams, but they should have a very big clue due to our massive score. Also, it will be known the 3 wonders are built in the same city once we get back in the top-5 cities list. Maybe we already are, maybe not.
I guess if there's any information which should not reveal it was accomplished by AC, we can send it through you to UnO ?
I guess if there's any information which should not reveal it was accomplished by AC, we can send it through you to UnO ?

It makes quite a difference for writing something if our capital shows up in the top-5 list or not.