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2360 Bc

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  • 2360 Bc

    moved worker and settler toward the new spot
    maximized food production in bejing
    Attached Files

  • #2
    and city screen

    is it good like this or need i to make adjustments?
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Looks good to me, we will need to deside in 4 turns what our whipping strategy should be but right now theirs not much else to do.
      Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche


      • #4
        Is it even possible for us to accumulate 61/120 hammers without letting some decay in the queue? If that's what it takes, it's not worth it.
        "Cutlery confused Stalin"
        -BBC news


        • #5
          sended on
          Attached Files


          • #6
            => 61/120 is not possible at all, due to our *2 bonus.

            => We work too much hammers !!! We won't be able to whip 2 slaves profitable now. Even if we start working all non-hammer tiles now, we'll have 30/120 production completed the turn we have 5 citizens. We will only get 90 hammers from our 2 slaves instead of the 120 we deserve. So, it seems already decided we won't whip for 2 slaves and should focus on hammers again
            It's a pitty, because we have to try to benefit as much as possible from our industrious trait (ie: this was the only building that could give us 60 hammers / pop when whipping).

            => Why didn't you move the scout one tile more south-wards (as in the screenshot in the 2440 BC thread) ?

            => Next turn we can settle, and give our worker the job to start mining (don't start roading).

            It's all nice and so to have fast turn times, but if there are many important things to discuss, it might be better to wait for some more input. Although, maybe I should have mentionned it more precisely in the previous thread which tiles had to be worked to prevent 30/120 production.

            So, to get 60/120 hammers and whip with 1 slave, there are 2 ways, with 1 turn difference:
            (always food-hammers-gold)
            A) 2 turns to 60/120, less food and gold
            2320 BC : (5-0-1 + 1-2-0 + 0-4-0 + 1-3-0) => total: 15-44-12
            2280 BC : (5-0-1 + 3-0-4 + 0-4-0 + 1-3-0) => total: 18-62-18
            2240 BC : whip (4 pop -> 3 pop, +60 hammers)

            B) 3 turns to 60/120, more food and gold
            2320 BC : (5-0-1 + 3-0-4 + 3-0-4 + 0-4-0) => total: 19-34-20
            2280 BC : (5-0-1 + 3-0-4 + 3-0-4 + 0-4-0) => total: 24-46-30
            2240 BC : (5-0-1 + 3-0-4 + 0-4-0 + 1-3-0) => total: 27-64-36
            2200 BC : whip (4 pop -> 3 pop, + 60 hammers)

            In the B case, we regrow to 4 pop immediately, while in the A case, we are stuck with 3 pop for a few turns, so I'd prefer the B case.

            Foreign intelligence: Vox discovered a tech.
            no sig


            • #7
              Who says we need to wait for 5 pop before whipping 2?
              "Cutlery confused Stalin"
              -BBC news


              • #8
                Humm I'm afraid you may be right, our hammer output is always doubled so we can never have an odd number of hammers unless we had an odd overflow into the Forge Build.
                Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Impaler[WrG]
                  Humm I'm afraid you may be right, our hammer output is always doubled so we can never have an odd number of hammers unless we had an odd overflow into the Forge Build.
                  The oveflow is also doubled, which is part of the problem we are having too many hammers

                  Anyway, as for whipping 2 slaves while we have 4 pop, we could do it next turn, but it's only 1 turn earlier and we take quite a blow in population. If we focus on food and gold afterwards, we catch up again in 2080 BC, but with less hammers.

                  [edit]And, my excuses to Safan, my previous post sounded too harsh on you. Sorry about that, it was not my intention.[/edit]
                  no sig


                  • #10
                    What's our happy limit in the capital now? 5? I presume we have plenty of health between the river and forest, even with the forge. Might as well compare the case of whipping 2 pop (next turn or the turn after) as a case C (and maybe D). What are our build options immediately after the forge, anyway? We could make a lot of headway towards a Granary with the overflow, plus the presence of the forge.
                    "Cutlery confused Stalin"
                    -BBC news


                    • #11
                      np pjay,

                      i'm not that good with micromanagement, thats why i asked last turn for a sheme like this. Now i know what to do.

                      the scout was moved there to uncover more fog, so i could take the risk of moving the worker since there was only one uncovered tile next to it, and no barbarians in sight.

                      If u feel u should do the next few turns, say so and they are yours


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by -SafaN-
                        the scout was moved there to uncover more fog, so i could take the risk of moving the worker since there was only one uncovered tile next to it, and no barbarians in sight.

                        Originally posted by -SafaN-
                        If u feel u should do the next few turns, say so and they are yours
                        No, I have a fulltime job now, so I can only play in the evening and in the weekends. It seems you have more free time. I was just sad about Vox not sending the save in the weekend.

                        Anyway, I'll do a C-case / D-case this evening.
                        no sig


                        • #13
                          lol i work full time too + addicted to wow

                          guess u have more real life than me, not necessary more free time


                          • #14
                            Something to consider: the lower our pop after a pop rush, the longer it will take before we can put a valuable engineer to work!
                            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                            • #15
                              Our happiness limit is 5, so we could be having 4 pop without problem for 10 turns after whip.

                              I think plan B with whipping should be used.

                              What are our build options immediately after the forge, anyway? We could make a lot of headway towards a Granary with the overflow, plus the presence of the forge.
                              Yes, we should then go for Granary and after that decide between settler and Colossus.
                              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

